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need advice

OK my Friend and i were in a relationship for three months her parents dint approve of me she find anther man . it took her some trys to coiivne her mother guess what he gets my friend easy wile i worked my ass off making her fall for me. and he gets the damn red carpet treatment wile i got craped upon my friend says my jealousy wont go way Intel i find a replacement for her . it angers me hes better then me got a job better looking stronger i sadly cant work i got the same things as him i am nice kind and protective of my friend he makes her laugh more then i did. so what do i do to make myself less jealous and happy agin?
Dec 27, 14 at 12:59am
Move on i guess, find yourself someone better who will apreciate your kindness and not dump you off for someone better looking. if she honestly loved you, we wouldnt be having this conversation right now....i understand its sort of hard because you liked her and everything but chances are she wont come back to you and if she does whats to stop her from leaving again *pats back* sorry if i sound harsh or whatever but its the truth
Dec 27, 14 at 12:59am
Bit hard to understand the broken English but from what I can tell your friend is a bit of a douche for stealing your girl. I really wouldn't consider him much of a friend at all. Finding yourself a new girl would probably help sure, but if I were you I'd also find a new friend while I was at it.
Things needed for a stress-relieving afternoon: 1 cheesecake (any flavour) 1 lake (preferably large) 1 simple step. Enjoy a few hours by the lake.
Dec 27, 14 at 3:24am
Now it’s time to let go. Let go of the past, and stop reliving it. Stop telling yourself that story where the protagonist — you — is forever the victim of this other person’s horrible actions. You can’t undo the past, all you can do is to make today the best day of your life.
Key @key17 commented on need advice
Dec 27, 14 at 8:14am
Cheesecake is an universal problem solver apparently. Much like chocolate.
jas @jas commented on need advice
Dec 27, 14 at 11:18am
Yeah. It sounds like she might not be ready to make relationship decisions on her own. Better it end relatively amicably now then have the cord ripped out sometime later. I focus on friends and hobby projects. Takes the sting away.
bruh just find a hitman easy peacy no cheesy bc thats 2pooky 4 me
Dec 31, 14 at 2:17am
Find a new girl bruh, you literally have billions to choose from :l
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