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American Girls Or Japanese Girls?

Do they? My family would definitely disagree lol
OMG http://replygif.net/i/187.gif
Ok... See, this thread, as stated, was a bait thread. Guess what? Even from the grave, it's half way working and being twisted to give birth to an entirely new beast. Now, where's my popcorn?
I like the physical aesthetics and youthful appearance of Asian girls. As well as appreciating some of the fashion and pop culture of Japan and Japanese girls. I've never dated an Asian girl so I have no preference in that regard, as far as an actual relationship. Naturally the physical aesthetics also relates to sexual attraction.
It's actually quite creepy how some men fixate and say they will only date Asian women because they're interested in anime. It's really dumb honestly.
Similar to Vamp,I'm into the features and aesthetics of Asian girls however,I also like Caucasian and Latino Women, with little attraction towards Black women. Heck I'm more into Caucasian women than with any other with Asian being 2nd. As long as no one comes at me for preferring girls of a different race due to features and aesthetics then all is good.
Did anyone here say they would only date Asians? I'm sure there is a few guys like that. As far as dating, it depends completely on the person. Race is irrelevant to me.
If I said that then let me correct that yes I like girls with good family values and such but If given chance would go asian than American
What about half-Asians, like half Asian and half White? The ones I have seen were really pretty. I don't see that many, though... mostly at airports.
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