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American Girls Or Japanese Girls?

xueli wins the interwebs.
*round of applause for Xueli*
Woot... The uncanny and uncommon...sense. Why must the obvious be praised as a god send? Just let the unwilling and blind continue to walk into walls... Sheesh... We have catfish and scams to weed out people.
@xueli I never said there was a problem. If fact, I said that thing many times… "I am not nessisarily saying it is bad and evil to have preference but if you are looking for a Japanese gf specifically, you are really looking in the wrong place. That is why I directed you to jlist friends cuz those Japanese girls are actively looking for an American boyfriend." "I understand having preferences but I also think if you aren't getting results in dating or partners and are complaining about it, then that person should maybe make modifications in their preferences."
Mar 17, 15 at 9:33pm
@rina, I wasn't really directing that to you, but just the general at large. I know that's what you've been saying I mean, I'm not gonna lie, I get leery whenever people say they're into asians for _________ behavioral reason because man, it just feels nasty.
@xueli oh okay, I understand now. I am just confused cuz I don't mean to sound like the bad guy but I end up being it somehow.
What if I like their culture because it resembles the one from my country and they are all Asians ?
Mar 17, 15 at 9:59pm
@wallace I would ask what specific culture you're relating to. After all, asia consists of many different countries with their own distinct cultures. While there are many things that are similar, there are still nuances that are different from each other. And then also, a countries' people can also have variances in which they prescribe to the "stereotypical view" of their culture. So it's kinda like, well how does that play in, ya know?
I totally agree with xueli, whenever a guy says they prefer Asian women, I'm just like, "ugh." And it becomes a total disillusioned thing whether they like the whole Asian thing or me. @wallace: even if that's the case, a lot of asian women get REALLY weirded out when men say they like asian women.
The cultural background that mexico has and their customs resembles a lot of them asian countries like japan, china, Vietnam, a bit of Korea and so
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