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American Girls Or Japanese Girls?

@Onii-Ai I'm probably just so used to it. It's an everyday thing for me being an anime fan, naturally a ton of people are gonna be like "I want a Japanese/Asian gf/bf". XD With my friends, I do try to educate them about it. I think it's normal though, I mean Japanese people tend to say they want a foreign gf/bf too, without really knowing the social/culture differences.
@Kohagura I think that just makes the statement more powerful that posting on this thread saying you prefer one over the other won't get you any girls in the end. @Onii-Ai this is a troll thread but everyone, even I, was tricked into taking the question seriously. Like I said, girls, take note of those who would only settle for you cuz your ethnicity or you nationality is not Japanese or Korean or Filipino etc.
@Wallace don't you live in the US? Can't you also be considered in American Citizen?
@Rina Oh, I thought it was asking about aesthetic(even if their genetics are similar, Japanese fashion/makeup is different from other Asians) or societal preference. XD
Nope still with student visa
@Kohagura Well, a lot of people (don't know why sometimes???) base their partners on solely aesthetics. Idk what asch's full question was but just by saying "American Girls Or Japanese Girls?", it was implying which is better in all aspects or which do you prefer over the other. A lot of people picked Japanese girls because they have this false belief on what Japanese girls are like (or supposed to be) based on anime and manga that they watch or read. Such as they act or do things a certain way ("their attitude towards life and values are very in sync with mine", "I hear Japanese women are more willing to do kinky stuff in bed"). I feel like it is romanticizing and even fetishizing Japanese girls but that doesn't seem to be the popular belief in this topic. So I have kept quiet for a while. till now... @wallace614 Oh I see. I never knew that. Very interesting.
@Rina That is what I see a lot too, sadly. What I find more sad is that Japanese girls(ones living there) are more oppressed by men, like they have a higher pressure to please them and were raised that way, so many will act more "fake"... Which is what foreigners will see. I think the only girls in Japan I have been able to really get along with were the female otaku who know how to be themselves and like what they like. I think many of them find empowerment with certain anime and the BL genre, where girls don't have to conform to being "girly/docile".
Mar 17, 15 at 8:50pm
There's nothing wrong with having preferences. Everyone does, you're attracted to what you're attracted to. It's when there are behavioral expectations that are attached with that attraction that there's a problem.
She killed the thread
I am so impressed and happy about my powers.
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