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What do you think of yourself?

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unloved, unwanted, useless
*Wonders why 'The world god only knows' is in the ecchi list here* *Ahem* Wants to protect everyone, and to destroy evil! But when I'm not fighting, I'm really just a humble otaku, who prefers not to use violence, but will use it if no other option is usable.
I think I'm pretty independent. Adaptable to new changes without much panic. Indecisive at times. A little too imaginative. Purely devoted to love. Probably very sensitive. Can be mysterious and elusive. Also lazy when it comes to folding laundry and getting out of bed. Intuitive, as in I trust what my heart tells me and I think before I act or speak. Soft on the inside, cold rocks on the outside. LOL.
I've always hated myself For the way I look, how I talk, and the way I think. I was raised by an uncaring abusive mother who only thought of herself and she liked to take out her hate on her kids. I turned in on myself and became a bit of a recluse. Thankfully after my father took custody of me he taught me to care for myself and others. I still strugle with self hate but i'm finally doing better. :D
A modest badass overlord that cares. You're all my minions, nuff said.
A romantic person in the heart of a monster. I've done horrible things that I will not forgive myself for, but still can empathize and be compassionate. My personality has been a constantly flipping coin; heads im a monster; tails I'm a romantic. Im sure some of you may feel the same as I. That's just a general view of how I look at myself. Personality wise? I can't really say. I like to think I'm a great friend once you have me in your life. I've always been connected to friends because they make me happy. But fuck me over and I probably won't forget it. I'm an asshole. Witty. Spiteful. Bitter. Hateful. On the upside, I'm really loyal to my friends, honest, sympathetic, comforting, and understanding. I don't know. It's really a fuckin' difficult. It's like asking a jungle how does it feel to be a jungle.
Someone that just wants to have a good laugh with alot of friends and just enjoy life.
If I judged myself as if I was looking from someone else's eyes I'd say I'm a bland looking guy with an obsessive hobby that needs to do something with his life. >.> wow haha I think I would hate me if I met me *facepalm*
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