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What do you think of yourself?

Its quite simple really. Tell the users about how you feel about yourself?!
I think that I am a nurturing strong willed individual who enjoys empowering those around me to flourish. My loathing for dishonesty and deception causes me to appear calaus and rude to many, though I really cherish relationships and loyalty over superficialism. i can be a fun person to be around and share various experiences with though i will be.there to protect you the best I can when you are in need.
This guy's trying to be me. Love it.
What about you though... and not that person who constantly seems to annoy you with all those long written essays;)
I think of myself a nice guy, honest, not out going but sweet. I never hit a girl and I have high EQ, maybe due to my previous relationship and parent cursing words. I enjoy making people happy that I know of. I feel disappointed that some anime or drama I love and nobody like it. It depress me so I let them borrow my manga to increase their interest and they love it. After that they never return it. Even some of my Pokemon card, yugioh cards and games got stolen. I try to spread my happiness but they take it for granted. A long time there is a girl that love me even though she know I got a gf, one of my friend just took her away. He could have ask if he is interested in her. However, a month pass and he dumped her. After that the girl that love me also hated me. I don't know why I always be the one that get blamed. I lack something and people just toss me aside. When my ex heard that she said she will be with me forever. The sugar coated words just a lie even though the relationship lasted long. If I can be reborn I want to be opposite of myself.
Im...angry, quite,my own enemy, and above all else, im missed placed. Depressing to say the least, im happy most of the time. not like i hate life.. i just want to be else where. Even with people i like, i much rather be with them else where. Im kinda an ass to people, if i dont like them i slowly let them know. i fell good doing that... But when im with people i love, im really sweet i guess. im flirty with girls, but never just any girl, the ones who see me. Times i feel like i should do something crazy, just do get away and do something. I know im crazy, but its who i am. even when i find solid ground on who i am, i surprise even myself. I love who've i become. Just hate that who i am isnt where i should be.
I'm a happy, talkative ( while drunk ;) ), reclusive, introspective, lazy, blunt, knows what to do in life while not doing so, pervy ( ya wouldn't know it ;)), depressive while alon, socially retarded(don't give a fuuuuuck :p), spiritual thinker and forever a child at hear. Honestly, I don't think much of myself, but I'm not one to cry aboutit to the masses. I know what to do, but I also know I fear the unknown. I tend to over anylise so much more than do. I realize my short comings, but I also realize that I'm my biggest enemy in this world. In other words, only I can better myself if i so choose and I more than realize it's no one's fault except for mine for where I'm at or where I chose to go in life. I will never cry about being single or poor, because I can chang. I will not conplain about what society expects of me, because I am not just a statistic. I am me and if I touch but one life in a positiveand life cchanging manner, my life's mission is complete( Don't expect me to treat all with those intentions. You must touch me in such a way that lets me know you are willing.).
Yu, you know I love you. ♡
I know jiko^ ♡
Hmm, I'm pretty girly in my opinion. Pink is the best color aside from black and too many carbs is a no no. A little awkward in a way, I talk too fast and my words bunchtogetherlikethis. I'm really bad with procrastination. I'm book smart but when it comes to street smarts and honestly common sense my brain shuts down. I'm the most patient person I know. I put up with a lot of stupidity but it never really bothers me. I hit people when I dont know what to say and I should really stop doing that. Lol this thread is making me realize all the weird things I do. Overall, I love myself and who I am regardless of my strengths and weaknesses.
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