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What does a guy want in a girl?

Nov 27, 14 at 7:36pm
I always thought being understanding and appreciative is awesome. At the end of the day, you don't want someone to live through you. You need someone to share the fun times and work through the gunk life throws at you. Conventionally pretty only gets you so far.
Extremely broad topic, same goes for the topic "what does a girl want in a guy." Considering each individual is different. But, there is truly just one answer people are just too selfish to consider --> What real men want is a woman who acts as her self. Women these days wear too many masks, they try to hide unimportant things and do their best to change what doesn't need to be changed. If the human figure is kept in shape, and you act as yourself without breaking too many laws or morals, you're set. But guess what? Very few PEOPLE exist in such a way. It's for this very reason that I myself am finding it hard to find a decent love. Be yourself, keep your body within healthy levels, and inject yourself with the "no fucks given" serum. That goes for men too. Plus if you're under 20, Jesus relax about relationships. Get down and dirty, sure, but focus on your life ultimately.
Dec 01, 14 at 12:12am
i like megane girls, and girls with good looking hairstyle...beyong that? pervert girls :3
I only have one requirement: They must be an otaku. The following are not required, but it they would get bonus points, so to speak. 1. A Good chef 2. Some skill with a sword 3. A dominant kind of personality( not to crazy though) ... oh and being good-looking always helps.
Well, for one, it helps to have someone who shares my childish interests. I'm still watching cartoons and playing video games while I'm pushing 30, and a lot of people find that mind-boggling. I'm not just looking for someone who will accept my hobbies and whatnot, I'd rather have someone who will be there with me geeking out over the latest Marvel movie or join me in an MMO because they want to. Couples who have fun together stay together, but I'm afraid I have no interest in...whatever it is "normal" couples do. I think a lot of girls are afraid a guy like me is irresponsible and immature, and that bothers me because there's a big difference between maturity and what you do for fun.
The ideal girl for me would be: - Smart (If possible, at Chemistry too :) ) - Beautiful - Honest - Urban style - A person that likes to talk about everything (but I mean EVERYTHING!) - Good taste at animes - Good taste at rock/metal music - Gamer (FPS or MMORPG) That should fit.
What I am looking for and what I expect are very different, just because I am looking for things doesn't mean I expect it. -Looks (yeah yeah sounds shallow but too skinny weirds me out and too plump is not attractive to me I don't mind someone with some weight on them, just enough haha. I like a good face, someone cute and beautiful. I like beauty in all things. Sure a shaply body is great but you didn't choose it so I can't fault you for not being my ideal. Just as long as you are showing effort in keeping a good apearance.) -Personality (This matters a lot. I do not want a girl who thinks she is all that in a bag of crisps. I want someone who is humble about appearance and not snobby. But is able to accept my compliments and trust me when I tell you, you are beautiful and cute. Someone who is caring and wants to be their best for me as I will return that. Someone who respects me.) -Traits (Some important some not. I would like someone with good house keeping skills. Cooking is a big plus otherwise I will have to get better fast. Someone who can put up with me.) -Other (Not sure where to put these. Someone who is ok with being sexual. Someone who is interested in doing new things, and get me to do them too. I am cuddly, I like being close, I enjoy intimacy.) Ok so I can't think of everything right now, so that is some of mine to get you going. Feel free to talk to me and find out more. I will try to not be too scary, and maybe fun haha. If I could think of specifics I would say more but you would have to ask me at this point. If I could read others I would rememeber more but can't right now.
I envy everyone who knows what he is looking for. I have no idea what I want. Sometimes I wonder myself about not knowing. So I think in general about it: I think the word standard weak, because what is standard? It actually says nothing. Why do women wear makeup and do everything for the look is to meet this "standard". Of course, everyone has their own ideas. It is not always the first impression that counts but the second or third time. The true self is always a bit tricky, because how would you know that the one who does not show it so as not to get hurt. You just have to look behind these many layers of facades. Then we see what is at the core and will sometimes wonder. For many it is too troublesome or can be derived from their own ideas.
Dec 06, 14 at 9:58pm
^^ I agree with another. I guess one way to put it is that I want "best friends and more". My close friends all have different personalities and physical features. Not one of them is a typical boy or girl. They do appreciate me and, because of their patience and loyalty, get to see my caring, funny and affectionate side.
Personality is the main thing, and I want someone who is loving and caring and cute. Shy can be a bonus too, but not required. Mostly I want her to be able to show me love like I show her. Physically I'd like a girl with short hair and pretty eyes that make me melt. Being good looking is a huge bonus, but the better your personality the more your true beauty shines through.
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