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What does a guy want in a girl?

Nov 19, 14 at 12:44pm
As far as appearances goes, she should just take care of herself. And by that I mean, bathe regularly, no bird poop on the head, and no 20kg of make up on her face. I don't want no stick-girl either. and few extra pounds her and there are welcome.
I mean natural born face and I don't know why girls put so much make up. It is as if they adding chemical to their skin. @key17, I don't think girls will be that sloppy and about bird poop in the hair where you get this information? O__o.
If she's naturally cute, pretty and has a great personality I'm happy. Curvy would be a bonus.
@Jean Rivera I don't blame you, buddy.
Hygiene is important too.
I agree with kairu, also has to like flirting and cuddling, maybe coffee but im willing to settle for tea drinkers since it seems more women like tea than coffee. XD
Ever since I was a child I grew up on fairy tales and stories of chivalry and great deeds, so I've always been inclined towards the romantic "knight/prince and his princess" living happily ever after type of sappy story, haha. Apparently it's not so popular these days~ For me, kindness and openness with each other is most important. We'd truly see each other as an integral part of our identity and enjoy spending time being together, and feeling comfortable with talking to each other about our deepest desires as well as regrets. I'm personally also pretty into girls that are a bit shy, although bubbly extroverts that are fun to be with can be awesome as well. They should also be responsible and can plan for future as a family seriously, or at least willing to get that serious eventually. Obviously being cute helps too, but I'm far more into her being cute (including personality and mannerisms) rather than the "smoking hot body" types. (That said, no discrimination at all against nice smart otaku girls that just happen to look like supermodels either! XD) Of course, it takes time to build that kind of trust, so to start off, the "loves being with each other" part is most important.
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Nov 25, 14 at 1:44am
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One of the most difficult questions. Every answer is going to be different for each guy. Just be who you are, act like you want to act. Those alone will get the guys who are worth a damn to develop interest and find a girl cute.
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