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What does a guy want in a girl?

Nov 13, 14 at 2:30pm
for me, as long as we have fun doing the same thing and love the same things, and a good personality. Looks is just a plus
@jikoshy, what you said make sense that guy must have standard on girls. However, we cannot get what we want sometime so lower our standard is okay but not a lot. As for my opinion on girl: 1. Never cheat 2. Never lie when in a serious talk 3. Understandable 4. Love me more than I love her 5. Call me every day 6. Make her own decision 7. Moral 8. Treating me special above other 9. Education standard as long she know English I don't mind. I hope for same as me. 10. Love anime and games 11. Children loving 12. No smoking, gamble, a little of alcohol or none. 13. Age more, same or less than me around 1~6 years apart 14. Communication Shaving down there or not doesn't concern me. Cooking and beautiful is a bonus.
plain simple. most guys look at the physical looks of a girl. like hell they give a shit about personality and such.
someone who cares and is kind someone who accepts people for who they are, yeh sure looks are a plus but if a person isn't beautiful on the inside appearance means nothing. someone with a genuine heart... someone who not only loves someone but appreciates their existence and significance in their life...
for me i just want someone with the same interest as me and we able to do things together this does mean she'd have to be physically capable (im very outdoorsie) and as long as there kind i really dont mind what they look like.
Jineko, you know I'm not like that. ♡
@Jineko I dated a hot girl in school, dumped her cause she had a horrible personality ;D
If most men go mainly for looks, I'd like an explanation for most couples. Most couples aren't exactly models... The average man tends to end up with the average woman, but to the average man there's no one better or more gorgeous. The odd balls are the "hawt" ones...
Honestly, a lot of guys date off of looks, but as you get older that becomes less and less of a priority. Now I'm not old or wise, but personally, I like a girl who loves to laugh, is a good friend, is loyal, and easy to talk to. I find a lot of women attractive, but their personalities are appalling. The perfect woman is a woman who will stand by you no matter your faults and stand by a man as his best friend and lover for life. As for things I'm physically attracted to. Fitness, nice smile, and well kept hair. Hygiene is a must. MUST. Smelly greasy = NONO.
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