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Ebony And Ivory

Nov 05, 14 at 6:31pm
What are some problems of a mixed race couple? I date outside my race all the time, but should I be worried about some racist jerk?
Nov 05, 14 at 6:48pm
No I don't think you should. I've dated 2 white boys before and it really never bothered me or anyone. I guess some of problems of a interracial couple is being able to put up with other racist people.
No, that's dumb. Stop worrying what people think. In the grand scheme of things, will what they say REALLY bother you 5 years down the road? As you mature, people will ignore it more. It's more of a high school (or high school mentality) thing.. once you're in college, 98% of people will be cool with it.
I only dated one black girl but race is irrelevant to me.
Race shouldn't stop you from dating. But I will say that racism is still alive and people do judge mixed race couples more than you would think. I've dated a white guy and would surely do it again.
Nov 05, 14 at 7:09pm
Agreed with jiko On this, theres nothing wrong with interracial dating, and the people who do get on you for it will most likely be in the less then ideal stages of maturity. You might come across a racist or a few more depending on your area, but for the most part you will be fine.
Nov 05, 14 at 7:47pm
Race doesn't really matter if you like the girl(or guy depending on preference). But you will find racists here and there, But it usually isn't a problem. Though I honestly thought of of the guns when I saw the title haha.
Nov 05, 14 at 8:53pm
No you shouldn't, all what you should be worried is if you like the person, there is always going to be a jerk who maybe do fun at it but so what ? that shouldn't stop you, a problem I see in a mixed couple is just cultural things, maybe your couple do things you usually don't and vice versa.
Nov 05, 14 at 9:03pm
Vampire neko ahh devil may cry.
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