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Ebony And Ivory

Music, art, and food are going to unite as a human race. XD I stand by that.
Dec 03, 14 at 7:08pm
Race and skin color really don't matter to me. If I find a girl attractive, that's all that really matters as far as looks go. Personally, I wouldn't mind dating someone non-Caucasian just because all the serious relationships I've had with women have been white girls and I wouldn't mind a change of pace. Not that I'd turn down a relationship with a white girl if the right one came along. XD
I've dated outside my race. Kinda prefer it, actually.
Dec 04, 14 at 7:29pm
"Jackpot! Yeah, baby!"
. @saita commented on Ebony And Ivory
Dec 04, 14 at 8:57pm
"mixed couples" "interracial relationships" "dating outside of your own race" ^ Yeah no. Honestly, The sheer mention of the word "Race" is what divides us as a society in my opinion. Even the "non-racists" act like other races are like different species with the way they speak, why do you all have to be so damn racially specific? Lol. Can't we all just agree that there's only one race, the human race? I mean come on, seriously. If you aren't attracted to someone cause of certain distinct features, like a specific skin color, etc. That's cool, but can we all drop such terms in general? Cause I'm pretty sure ALL of us in this thread, is "mixed" in one way or another. I haven't read anyone else's posts in this thread, but I highly doubt anyone here has even remotely brought this sort of thing up. We all need to stop pulling the race card, cause none of us here are 100% pure breed (insert dog name here). I mean seriously, we're all "Mixed" so next time one of you are worried about "Racists" having a problem with your "Mixed Relationship" just go ahead and spout the garbage I just addressed.
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