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FriendZone by the girl you like

NO!!! we need to settle this out and figure out the true rat
and btw I've heard girls talk about getting friendzoned I've friendzoned a girl once, and she took it hella hard lol I just told her i didnt feel like that and I just wanted to be friends..... she ignored me for like a week, in the hallways she would just walk the opposite direction lol she even posted some fucked up posts on facebook, but the worst part was their/our friends telling me to give her a chance.... anyways we cool now, we still friends keeping it 100
Well I stated a previous message as into what i mean earlier if you wish to look back but for the most part yes friendzoning does not exist in the general common term it is used by. The only place it can exist is in the context of what you define as being rejected for so and so. Yes there are women out there I wont ignore that, which do intentionally ignore a person who has spent a long time knowing them and such but at the same time uses them in a sense. However this is rare and can be reversed as well with the men doing the friendzoning despite common claim. All in all though these cases are not even built on friendzoning moreover other problems which resulted in them just staying friends. For all those rare cases out there pretty much most of them had person A have other reasons to make person B a friend. Regardless of if those decisions are based on moral conduct it is not actual friendzoning because that in itself is nothing more a way to define why one person decided to just be friends with us when there are numerous variables that go into the decision like it or not. Labeling it friendzoning would be a very big broad generalization for why you are not getting someone and just being a pal to them in a sense. My solution treat each person as individual as stated many times. Focus on yourself this is a big one when you do that when you work to better yourself and go for the things that interest you there are bound to be others who will circulate around those interest thus increasing your chances of finding somebody if you absolutely feel relationships are that important.
I absolutely love @Yu right now (no homo) all the material he typed right now is absolute gold
ohh i didnt know that xD
I understand Yu"s statement, but I don't think friendszone someone has any ill intention. Usually the one that got friendzone got rejected and their love interest expecting the rejected person to let by gone to be and become a friend instead. The one I love I can never be friend. A little love, I'm okay to be their friend if they insist.
Oct 27, 14 at 11:46am
Oh the drama!
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