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FriendZone by the girl you like

Oct 27, 14 at 5:19pm
Friendzone just means I don't wanna be in a romantic relationship with you. After that, ball is in the other person's court, so to speak. Some people can be friends after than and some people need to distance themselves to get over it, and both options are ok. Just like someone can't force another person to be in a romantic relationship, we can't force another to be in a platonic relationship either. It's usually when people take it too hard and start flipping out that I have issues with them.
Oct 27, 14 at 5:54pm
Lol all the time! XD never had a girlfriend just a lot of girlfriends that where friends. I'm the only friend in my group that's single. It can get very lonely and you even start to blame your self. I go through good weeks and bad ones sometimes it gets real bad but I keep on pushing. When I feel down I think of these quotes! "I'll never stop looking."- Adam Jensen "I never asked for this."-Adam Jensen "Men like us...we never get back the things we love."- Jaron Namir
Just an example: When I was 19 (still a virgin) I met a girl a few years younger at the local all ages music club. We ended up chatting and then hanging out and she started flirting not long after. We talked on the phone for 10hrs straight and hung out again and kissed and such. I even walked to her house to visit for a bit (in another county more than 10 miles away). At the time I thought she was so beautiful why would she be interested in me? I fell for her hard. Then one day her ex bf (one she lost her virginity to) came into town and was all over her for a booty call, she obliged since she was still in love with him) well he left within a few days but she suddenly lost all interest in me then and ever. It was like wtf! I can understand the ex throwing her emotions for a loop and needing time to deal. But I don't get how a girl can suddenly drop feelings for a guy like that. I was instantly friendzoned for all eternity by a girl I was about to lose my virginity to, who I thought was serious about me.
Not the first time a girl has acted serious about wanting to be with me and BAM! Another guy comes along and it's like I never existed. When I have feelings for someone, it lasts years. Especially if it gets to the point of intimate affection.
Vampire neko, first love always had an important impact to their lives and she lost her virginity so that's make her unable to forget him. Maybe she using you to forget about her ex. I did the same thing on my 2nd ex that I want to forget all about my first ex. Is very hard to forget someone that you love so deeply. Love is right in front of you yet out of reach.
Well back to this, here we go @Animefood, I dont quite get the point you are making, on that matter but perhaps you misunderstand what I mean. I am stating that friendzoning is not exactly real in the terms that its shown as. That and it cause problems multiple ones to apply such a wide view on why that person decided to just be friends. @Xueli Agreed @Vampire Neko I would not classify it as friendzoning in that. What seems to happen was she still had emotional ties to her ex most likely the original love she had which seems to be the case in quite a few people and immediately she felt that feeling again. She was not friendzoning you but moreover obsessing over the past love she had. Thats what I feel is the case. But you know more about it then I really.
@xueli @yu I also reasarched that litteraly the only logical way to avoid being friendzoned is well not being so nice and having little intrest baiting the one you like into love so to speak
Oct 27, 14 at 10:53pm
I don't buy the baiting idea. It just screams of dishonesty. If you're a nice person, there's nothing wrong with being nice. But nice is not the same thing as needy. The thing is, if you want to do that then prepare to basically lie the entire time through that relationship because that might "get you in" so to speak, but if it's under false pretenses, you're not gonna stay in a relationship with them for long. The best way to avoid the friendzone is to take risks and put yourself out there. This goes for everyone regardless of gender. If you act more like a friend than a lover, you're gonna get treated like a friend. You have to let your intentions be known. Don't go "hangout" when you're really trying to get a date. Not to say you can't be friends, but there are differences between platonic friendship and maybe something more friendship.
Fuck that! Get the baitin! http://i2.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/583/041/d5c.jpg
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