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FriendZone by the girl you like

It is and it is being directed off course, which is why I propose a solution if we really must use a thread publicaly at the very least can we make a thread specifically for this mentioning. That way we can sort out the differences there?
Honestly speaking I just don't want to deal with being called a bitch on the forums. We don't NEED to have a discussion, I'm perfectly fine with stopping right now as long as I don't continue to be slandered.
nah there is no need for that, every single thread in MO goes off course, thats our specialty lets settle this shit right here right now <3
Oreo stop throwing grenades on the fire xD
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You know, I find this topic interesting. Have you ever heard a girl say she’s in the friend zone? The idea of friend zone is just men going, "Well, this woman won’t have sex with me.” Men and women CAN be friends Why is a woman obligated to sleep with a man just because she likes having him around? There are plenty of articles online explaining why the "friendzone" doesn't exist. Here's one of them: http://thoughtcatalog.com/will-gallagher/2014/06/the-friendzone-doesnt-exist/
Indeed there are to somewhat get back on track, there are numerous studies showing that friendzones in general are just a illusionary thing for the most part. If need be I would not mind explaining the facts and whatnot behind that.
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I'm surprised someone gets it the friendzone is a persons excuse to pin blame on the other person, just because they dint like you doesn't mean you can't be friends xD
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