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Online Relationships

Not against it, But Nothing beats the real thing. Like everyone said, It takes a lot of trust and I would only do it after knowing the person for quite a while. It's just very risky in comparison to dating irl, Many different variables and problems can erupt.
I would take a chance if i found a gal who was into what i'm into.
Jan 03, 15 at 6:22pm
I agree, i was in an online relationship with a girl i meet in an online mmorpg. We were friends for a while exchanging, kik's n number's and she suggested we dated IRL. I gave it a try and i can say, if there is possibility for future meeting and it wasnt dragged out i could get along ok with it. As for my online lover i parted ways with her due to an obvious problem w compulsive lying..
A lot of interesting posts on here. I would say it's not impossible, nor silly or anything else along those lines for that matter. The only thing that makes people take it not as seriously as a real life relationship is the people. I mean, really, I'd consider it more serious in that there is more opportunity for it to fail. I think if you were to have too people serious about committing to the relationship, it should work. All other attitudes are just naive. Same irl, if you want to make it work, you do. That's like giving up on your partner for another bc he/she became a paraplegic or something. You made the decision, (in that case vows,) now follow through with them. That said, I do not think online dating is suitable for everyone. I'd give it a chance with the right person. I don't see any compelling reason not to, really. It'd be a test in discipline, faith, and the like.
To be a million percent honest, I cannot do online relationships.. I want someone who I can see without the dependence of an electronic device. I want to have someone come over and watch shows and make snack foods with. I don't feel a connection with people online. heck, I hardly talk to people online, and if the internet gets cut off, or i move out and have no internet, I don't want to feel alone to that extent. Hell, it's hard enough to be with my SO and he lives only 40 minutes away. For me, it's more of an issue of being lonely rather than it being an issue of trust. And my friends irl only pushes me his direction when i want company rather than being there for me; so the person would only be able to make me feel loved or even less lonely by being here..
i take it as serious as a rl relationship
^I agree totally with frasia2162. I can be friends with someone online and talk about the possibility of a relationship after we meet and spend time together. But I can't really have a full fledged relationship online because that defeats half the point of a relationship which is physical contact, someone to kiss and cuddle and hold (and sex).
Jan 05, 15 at 1:06am
To me the point of a relationship is being able to get along with someone and enjoy talking to them and generally wanting to be around them. In my book sex without relationships is what one night stands and hookers are for. It's a natural part of a relationship sure but I believe it should be on the bottom of the list, not near the top as most people would have it. I wouldn't want to bother meeting someone if I didn't think a relationship was possible to begin with. Banging someone before even considering a long term relationship feels very wrong to me, almost like test driving a car then jerking off onto the seats before saying you change your mind and don't want it.
Hm, I'm in the middle on this one. I think a different time zone would be pushing it a little for me, but within the UK? Sure, I'd give it a go. But having said that, I do agree with most of the negative stuff in here too.
It's a lot of trust I think even more then in rl relationship. But once you meet i think it will be stronger then rl relationship because you survived that trust.
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