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Online Relationships

Nov 20, 14 at 12:24am
Dunno, I guess I'm just too trusting, but I've never had a problem with this. But I wouldn't be in a relationship with a girl I didn't feel I could fully trust.
Dec 07, 14 at 8:44pm
online relationships tend to not work out very well. It's not impossible but it's hard. For one you or the other person are likely to find yourself massively disappointed when you meet up for the first time. Not everyone is completely honest and many will flat out lie about whatever they need to. Many don't take it seriously and treat it like a game and drop partners on a whim. Even if they wont it admit it, lots of people will continue to look a partner else wear and will just view you as a fail safe, and should they find someone else they'll drop you like a brick no matter how close you thought you were. I've had a number of friends who have been in online relationships and none worked out. I think part of the problem is it feels unreal, almost like playing a videogame. For many being able to touch and feel the other person is really impotent. I recently hit it off with a girl who really liked me but because we were so far away nothing came of it. she had already done online relationships and didn't want to do the online thing again and needed someone to be there for her. There's also the matter of trust. I know a guy who traveled to a different country to meet a girl just to find out she purposefully gave him the wrong info. She thought it was funny as hell that he ended up sleeping on a park bench that night. Again I don't think it's impossible, you just have to be careful.
It would be fun to have an online relationship. However, it`s not easy to maintain it for too long.
Dec 08, 14 at 7:14am
I grew up at the right stage of the Internet. Nobody was cynical. ICQ wasn't a bloated adware mess. For us teens at the time it was totally new territory and we all took it seriously. I have two friends on Facebook that go back 15 years. Family is family regardless of distance or blood.
Dec 08, 14 at 8:26am
It's not something I'd put up with. Once we distance ourselves, I think it's good to either break things off or at least temporarily and leave on good terms. There's always going to be some other guy and I know the girl and the guy will at least flirt with each other, maybe become attracted to each other and you know the rest. That's just how it naturally works. Some people are faithful and I know this but it is pretty rare. I want to be able to see the person that I am dating too. So no, that'd be impossible for me.
Kyou Baka, ya it is difficult for online dating as well in my area where I live. royal pain you could say lol
It' really difficult for online and round my area. not sure why. stuck or something....
How is it difficult to date online in your area? Its online dating. As in the internet o_o Please explain xD
Dec 24, 14 at 3:59am
Well, some people don't have a car. Or, their job takes up too much time for bar hopping.. or they don't go to clubs/bars at all. You go online to connect with someone and hope for a local date. hope that explains it.
Jan 03, 15 at 2:56pm
Kyoooou, you know my opinion on online relationships. I feel that if you honestly like this person you should give it a shot. But there is no way for you to be able to trust that they are telling you the truth. I've been through a few relationships online where I was lied too, cheated on, and it wasn't a fun experience. You know I want the best for you so just don't jump into a relationship unless you can see yourself with this person for a very long time.
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