
SinfulDetachment @sinfuldetachment
SinfulDetachment @sinfuldetachment
I snooped around a bit and only found topics about certain cities of Texas, so I thought I'd post this. Hey, y'all.

Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
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Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
Howdy. I wonder if there are still people around who think we ride around on horses and wear goofy hats?

Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
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Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
^.^ I love it here. Even though it gets HOT AS HELL! And the weather is freaky. Got a favorite place in the ol'Texas?

SinfulDetachment @sinfuldetachment
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SinfulDetachment @sinfuldetachment
Haha, there probably are some people that think that. Personally, I haven't met any that automatically assumed that I would be similar to the stereotype of a Texan. XD
Yes, I love it here as well. :) I don't mind the weather at all--in fact, I think I would be a bit uncomfortable if the weather was constant.
Favourite place? Do you mean city or do you mean as in a local park or something of the sort?

Sonouge @sonouge
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Sonouge @sonouge
Schlitterbahn in New Braunfels, Texas Ftw.

Sakumie Tenshi @sasusakubabymaniac
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Sakumie Tenshi @sasusakubabymaniac
Haha, hi. :) Texas has such bipolar weather. =3= But I'm looking forward to a chilly winter~

KazuhiroHayate @kazuhirohayate
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KazuhiroHayate @kazuhirohayate
Austin Tx whats up peeple

Puku @puku
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Puku @puku
Cypress, Texas. You know, the subcity in Houston that no one has heard of. :9

artisticsabuko @artisticsabuko
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artisticsabuko @artisticsabuko
Mcallen, Texas. :3

huogir @huogir
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huogir @huogir
Dat funky town here :p
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