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jenjenjennn @ilovekrisandchanyeol
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jenjenjennn @ilovekrisandchanyeol
My day was pretty boring just school and tutoring a little girl ^^ I don't go to cons ^^ oh that's nice have fun ^^

Zaliya @zaliya
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Zaliya @zaliya
yeah it was pretty cool. :)

jenjenjennn @ilovekrisandchanyeol
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jenjenjennn @ilovekrisandchanyeol
Nope I did not attend anime matsuri wanted to but I didn't go
Is masturbation good or bad?

KazuhiroHayate @kazuhirohayate
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Is masturbation good or bad?
KazuhiroHayate @kazuhirohayate
it's good. scientifically proven
Pet peeves

KazuhiroHayate @kazuhirohayate
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Pet peeves
KazuhiroHayate @kazuhirohayate
Low Self-esteem