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Salutations! ( ; v;)/

Target is where I get some shirts and undies rofl. But their bags are kind of crappy. Mines fell apart after a year. Replies are going to be sparse. Im at work
His current revamp looks amazing! :D Actually all 3 of them look amazing. ;3; It's much different in my case. XD Ok be prepared... lot's of pics. o3o Pic 1, how he was first drawn (I had just gotten a drawing tablet.): http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/235/2/2/tim_by_harujoyishi-d6jdf7v.jpg Pic 2, after I tried re-drawing him (Still getting used to the tablet.): http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/235/a/7/joyishi_by_harujoyishi-d6jdh7a.jpg Pic 3, a friend re-sketched my character, but I outlined and colored it in: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/235/e/e/better_joyishi_by_harujoyishi-d6jdj15.png Pic 4, I traced Shiro from Fate/Stay Night in this pose to help me get a more masculine feel: http://th03.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/282/6/7/joyishi_is_ready_for_a_fight__by_harujoyishi-d6puplb.png Pic 5, I made a profile of my character and a chibi to help me keep my softer side (show emotion): http://th06.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/f/2014/040/1/d/joyishi_profile__zfat____and_utau___by_harujoyishi-d75ussf.png Pic 6, I wanted to give him a re-design so I made a doodle of him wearing different clothing: http://th05.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2014/187/0/a/joyishi_redesign_sketch_idea_by_harujoyishi-d7pfduv.png Final Pic, I drew him in a tough pose with aura pushing the jacket up to show his undershirt: http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2014/187/7/8/joyishi_re_design_fighting_pose_by_harujoyishi-d7pfe3k.jpg
Aug 21, 14 at 9:17am
@Lily;; eww workkk. lol ; v;/ I stocked up on pillowcases and bedsheets from Target.... I FEEL SO OLD. OMG. orz I also got some contact cases and brushes. huhu. @Kou;; ahah thank you. he's sucha lame bum in truth though. his little brother is the cutest butt though(<3) http://puu.sh/b1P8i/c25985b8e4.jpg wowza! definitely came a long way from when you first drew him ; v;b
He looks like he has pincers on his hands. ouo He does look cute though! XD <3 Well since we're technically art trading, would you like to see my other character designs for a manga that's been in production for about 6 years but I never actually got around to doing? ouo (The character designs are a couple of years old, but I was good on paper at the time. :P)
Aug 21, 14 at 9:29am
well , yes~ he was based on a crab after all, hehe. I feel like a doting parent, la~ but of course. ; o; I love seeing people's OCs
XD Crab boy~ :D wait... now I feel bad because if he was real he would get teased in school. ;n;... by me. But then I'd become his friend. :D Tell me which one is your favorite too please~ C: Alex: <br> <img src="http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/325/0/8/element_angels__alex_by_icesoldier24-d4gx6pb.jpg"> <br> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br> <img src="http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/325/c/2/element_angels__ben_by_icesoldier24-d4gx7zr.jpg"> <br> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br> <img src="http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/325/2/f/element_angels__gabriel_by_icesoldier24-d4gxe8o.jpg"> <br> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br> <img src="http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/325/d/d/element_angels__ivan_by_icesoldier24-d4gxf2z.jpg"> <br> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br> <img src="http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/325/f/0/element_angels__juan_by_icesoldier24-d4gxfw0.jpg"> <br> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br> <img src="http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2011/325/3/e/element_angels__oliver_noctis_by_icesoldier24-d4gxgkc.jpg"> <br> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br> <img src="http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/326/a/c/element_angels__pedro_by_icesoldier24-d4gynhz.jpg"> <br> ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ <br> <img src="http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2011/325/2/5/element_angels__yami_nulifin_by_icesoldier24-d4gxhat.jpg"> <br>
Aug 21, 14 at 9:47am
oooh how dare you. the nerve of some people o< teasing him and then trying to befriend him, you. ...mmyes, well that's what big brothers are for and he's absolutely proud of his amazing older (bum) brother. I really like Oli. he's my favourite. huhu ; u;b
XD I'm that friend at school that you don't know why your friends with but you're still my friend. :P Oliver was the only one without a chibi, I guess that makes him look more serious. >:3 I feel like re-drawing these guys now. ouo What about you though? Do you have any other characters or drawings you'd like to share? :D
Can't. .. view links yet. Oh well. And if it makes ya feel better Eru-san, you can never be older than me. I'm 21 and 1/2 :3
@Lily - Aww, well whenever you can view them that would be great! :D You could also share some art as well if you want. c:
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