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Salutations! ( ; v;)/

I haven't made any real good ones lately. I got other things on my mind and plate. I been also working with textiles
Aug 21, 14 at 10:13am
LOL of courseeee. that's probably why I gravitated towards him XD you should~ it would also be good practice. hmm, I do have a few OCs. this is Daigo;; http://puu.sh/b1Ry1/feb13ddaae.jpg he was actually the most boyish bishie guy I could come up with without being insanely pretty/girly. this is his default outfit that I got a pixel art done of him by another artist;; http://puu.sh/b1RBY/ac5d74cc83.png though;; he also has this outfit;; http://puu.sh/b1RK2/3db52f653b.jpg this one;; http://puu.sh/b1RRm/ab7571804a.jpg anndd this outfit;; http://puu.sh/b1RHC/b696787c05.jpg I love getting art done by other artists of my OCs. this is Elias... ahem...... yeahh...;; http://photobucket.com/eliasrefs && my sweetie, Honey;; http://photobucket.com/honeyrefs And the unfortunate inactive OCs;; Revlis;; http://puu.sh/b1Sgj/d74a3d7d4a.jpg Vareix;; http://puu.sh/b1S6u/1a81a4301a.jpg Arten;; http://tinyurl.com/nqqslmo you'll find that these 3 characters may have similarities... that's cause they're kinda recycled ideas since I couldn't be bothered to think up unique OCs.... OTL FAILURE AT LIFE RIGHT HERE. sobs.
Aug 21, 14 at 10:15am
@Lily;; I-I suppose, but I ain't even that far off. ; 3; ETERNALASIANYOUTHPLZ. OTL
Forever fab, even when we can't get it up anymore! Hell yeah. My only real prominent OC is the girl in my sketchs. Her name is Lilian B. Moonlight. And shes a moon Rabbit! Proficiant in ice/frost magic and learning various healy magic. Also shes a budding apothecary! (I know, kinda bland)
Aug 21, 14 at 10:23am
@Lily;; LOLohmy . not being able to get it up anymore, eh. that's scandalous as I will surely be able to. Nothing will stop me. not even old age... it'll just.... get up.... slowly. ahahaha She's adorbs though. Is she what your username is based off of then? ; u; just speculating.
She is mostly based off the folklore of rabbits on the moon. Japanese see them make mochi, Chinese see them make medicine. Partly based of Sailor Moon too. I really like the moon and her personality is mostly based off my teenager youth. I like to research and apply it to my characters. It adds alot of depth to them. My old old name is Moonlight Bunny >~> Instead of getting it up. Im all for hugs and nuzzles.
@eru - Daigo reminds me of Yosuke from Persona 4. o3o Elias and Honey both look so cute. D: They are my favorites from this list. X3 Revlis, Vareix, and Arten seem very different from each other. o: They still look great though. :D You're not a failure at life. :3 @Lily - Well all I knew before was what she looked like, but now I know the name and her powers... She's amazing. I love Ice magic. XD It's not bland at all either, it's fine to only have 1 OC, at least you'll be able to get to know her better and that OC will hold a special place in your heart. :3
Aug 21, 14 at 10:31am
aww moonlightbunny (<3) that's adorbs~! It's so cool that you do all this research ; 3; I'm so lame. My OC Honey was created purely based on me at that time. LOL Obviously not a direct copy of me, but you know what I mean. hugs and nuzzles are good too. can't complain.
Ever since Elsa came into existence, I feel like a bit of a copycat :C. I like Elsa too. Contrary to a popular belief, Lily is NOT an Anthro/furry. She is an usamimi.
Anthros... aren't those animals that were turned into humans while still keeping some animal parts/traits? I know a furry is just a humanoid animal though. XD
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