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Salutations! ( ; v;)/

ooh, well I guess it does depend on your courses and what you wanna do. XD Well at least you're almost done. :P Nooo, my height is needed. :C If I were to srhink... well then again I guess I would be a hyperactive short boy. ouo I could cosplay as my other OC who is a shota. XD OK! Trade with me! :D
Aug 20, 14 at 9:32pm
@Lily;; aah cali.. disneyland! that sounds so fun. I wish I lived in the states sometimes. I hope you have lotsa fun there! > u</ yeahhh..... customers are a bit EUGHH sometimes. orz
Aug 20, 14 at 9:35pm
@Kou;; ALMOST. but still sucha long way to go. OTL le sighhh. LOLOL YUSSS. OMG I COULD COSPLAY HANDSOME MEN. winnnnn.
All the beautiful men. So handsomely displayed yet unattainable. Such is life (Yay for fantasies.) Thank you~ Yeah~ you should visit the States. We do have nice tourist spots and vacation resorts. Just don't live here. We're in such a bad shape >_> but I dunno much about it (Not really a politics kind of person)
XD It's strange though, I took a class at Manga-University and when I showed them my drawing they told me that I would be highly likely to make a Shota Manga. X3 Suprisingly enough everytime that I want to doodle I always end up drawing a shota in a winter uniform. ;u;
Shotas are quite adorable. xD Though I wouldn't really date them unless they're old enough for me and mature/responsible. I rather be the Onee-chan more than anything else xD
I agree. The drawing in my profile pic is actually about 2 years worth of character development for something that isn't a shota. XD (I'm so lame. v.v) I knew a Shota in real life though, he was a blonde haired blue eyed shota but he acted exactly like Honey-Sempai from OHSHC. o3o; (looked nothing like him though. XD) His stuffed animal was a monkey that was wrapped around his neck though. ouo
Aug 21, 14 at 4:02am
@Lily;; I got to visit the states twice this past year. Once for Colossalcon in Sandusky, Ohio and the second time was a wedding in Chicago. I quite miss the states, yeah. The Targets are so awesome ; 3; @Kou;; ohShotas hnnggg ; n; I have a fairly cutesy shota-ish OC too. Kills me everytime. I try to draw manlier men -- they just end up as bishies of course. sighhh.
Target is amazing, my store of choice. XD I heard that they have Target over in Canada as well but it's not the same. o: Well I'm sure that in due time you'll be able to make a manly man! :D It took me 2 years to get out of my Shota drawing habit. Joyishi's (profile pic) first drawing was actually a shota too honestly. xD
Aug 21, 14 at 8:42am
@Kou;; it really isn't the same ; 3; the differences are too huge. I mean, they're nice and way cleaner walmart. well, I think my OC is slowly starting to get manlier, especially after revamps but still pretty bish if you ask me. this was how he originally looked; http://puu.sh/b1N5g/bddaf3ab25.jpg then he looked like this; http://puu.sh/b1Ndx/8d17428030.jpg and finally his current revamp; http://puu.sh/b1MLb/dadc2be722.jpg omg do you still have the first drawing? would love to see that. lmao . you did a great job since he doesnt look shota at all now~
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