The Greatest Anime(you feel no one's seen

l @chantz
The Greatest Anime(you feel no one's seen
l @chantz
Personally it's zero no tsukaima it had every thing I liked demons magic people from different countries/worlds did I mention magic oh and also magic and 4 seasons it's like anime Harry potter but better

Animekid @animekid
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The Greatest Anime(you feel no one's seen
Animekid @animekid
Probably not the "greatest" really but in my personal opinion an awesome one is Le Portrait De Petite Cossette.

Silabus @trixedge
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The Greatest Anime(you feel no one's seen
Silabus @trixedge
sakamichi no apollon, great and beautiful anime.

Buji @buji
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The Greatest Anime(you feel no one's seen
Buji @buji
Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai
It's my personal favorite but I haven't met many people who've seen it.
Another anime I think not many have seen is Kino no Tabi. Or Kino's Journey/The Beautiful World in English.
If you've ever seen and liked Mushi-shi, then you might like Kino no Tabi, it has a similar feel to it and makes you think to yourself, "what would I have done if I got put in that situation?"

kaminapose87 @kaminapose87
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The Greatest Anime(you feel no one's seen
kaminapose87 @kaminapose87
@Buji Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai (Or Anohana) is pretty well known and awesome by the way.
I don't really know any specifically except that the generational gap between some anime series is all it takes for something amazing to basically be...forgotten. Outlaw star and The Big O are two my of favorite series and yet no one I've talked to has heard of either of them and the year gap would only be say 3 years or something

da_uman @da_uman
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The Greatest Anime(you feel no one's seen
da_uman @da_uman
I find it amusing that you think not many people have seen Zero no Tsukaima yet it has 4 seasons, granted it's not mainstream like lets say Attack on Titan but it's hardly obscure either. As for unappreciated shows i guess i'll throw out Welcome to the NHK, it's not for everyone and it can kinda be depressing but it's a unique show that deals with some heavy subject matter.
I have to admit I've not seen pretty much all of the shows mentioned here with the exception of Anohana, I've got some catching up to do it seems.

altair88 @altair88
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The Greatest Anime(you feel no one's seen
altair88 @altair88
Kingdom an amazingly awesome anime yet people seem unaware of its existence. it's one of those rare amines about the warring era of China. another was Souten Kouro.

Misunderstood Shark @jethex
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The Greatest Anime(you feel no one's seen
Misunderstood Shark @jethex
It's not the best Anime I have ever seen, but I felt its rather unpopular/unknown/underrated: Aku no hana. It got a rating of 5/10, and almost no views/feedback (according to the site I use to watch Anime). I can just recommend it, its really interessting and different. I can't compare it to any Anime I have ever seen.

meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
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The Greatest Anime(you feel no one's seen
meijirurouni89 @meijirurouni89
Casshern Robot Warrior. Its an ova series turning into a movie and was the original version to the series thst had its short run on toonami. Its way better too. XD

fukurou @fukurou
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The Greatest Anime(you feel no one's seen
fukurou @fukurou
Shin Sekai Yori. More people need to watch this
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