How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
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How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Double negative.

blank_ @blank_
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How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)
blank_ @blank_
Well I feel that my profile pic looks like me every morning before I leave for work..clothes are always messy, I'm gritting my teeth, and yea theres even blue flames spouting out of my head too!haha

xueli @xueli
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How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)
xueli @xueli
I think I took this pic when I was bored and playing around on my phone one afternoon

Hug @hugasa
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How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)
Hug @hugasa
you should at least have one picture you know

ロイ @wallace614
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How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)
ロイ @wallace614
I love my current pictures

WolfKat @kirokun
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How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)
WolfKat @kirokun
My profile pic on any given site, represents how i feel most of the time.
If its anime or anything other than myself. It either means i have no interest in showing what i really look like to people and/or that pic strongly says how i feel for that day. Which ends up being my profile pic for awhile.
If its one of me I have to love it. Like my current one i don't need glasses but i wear my non-prescription glasses to give me the cool nerdy look ;)
As a dating website I agree with @aiisholuv
But its understandable if your self-conscious

orange_jess @orange_jess
commented on
How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)
orange_jess @orange_jess
Well I take the best ones when I've got nothing else to do and am just playing with my ipad ^_^ any other time i just get self conscious! hehe

XVX Otaku @brianm
commented on
How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)
XVX Otaku @brianm
I'm in the same boat as you, Arc. But I'm generally happy about my current one.

syndeh @syndeh
commented on
How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)
syndeh @syndeh
I took mine on a hot sunday whilst i was out cycling, so it involved something i enjoy a lot = good for me :D
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