How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)

Sonic @sonicthehedgehog
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How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)
Sonic @sonicthehedgehog
I look way past cool in my profile pic!

Hirakuga @hirakuga
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How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)
Hirakuga @hirakuga
I really like Yamato's energy in this sketch. (DID NOT DRAW THIS! NOT TAKING CREDIT!)

Redacted @kitsunekouta
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How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)
Redacted @kitsunekouta
I used this logo instead of an actual picture since its what I use everywhere else too. That way people can recognize me across sites at a glance.
I feel its excusable though since I've got actual recent pictures of me as well.

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
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How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
I was a pony, who was a man, who was a tree... now I got perfect hair forever...

͏͏ @mokujin
commented on
How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)
͏͏ @mokujin
Apathetic, chose by random.
I don't really like taking pictures of myself.

Rori-Hime @teacuplolita
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How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)
Rori-Hime @teacuplolita
I'm extremely self-conscious about myself.My skin color has sometimes prevented me from making new friends.
But even with that, I still think my profile picture is pretty cute. ;w; Oh, and this Hello Kitty stuff? This isn't even my final form~ ( ´͈ ー `͈ )

Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
I like my profile pic. If I didn't it wouldn't be my profile pic.

Rosie @rosie
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How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)
Rosie @rosie
Idk I just thought i look kinda cute made it mn y profile picture

Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
commented on
How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)
Tired of here. Inactive. @jikokun
Is sideways!

. @saita
commented on
How do you feel about your profile pic? (people with their actual faces)
. @saita
Since I updated my picture. I'd just like to say I'm a strong bishy and I don't need no sex change.
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