pokemon x and y: looking for shinys

syaoran1 @syaoran1
pokemon x and y: looking for shinys
syaoran1 @syaoran1
Soo im looking for a few shinys and im willing to trade shiny for shiny, if anyone is interested heres what i can trade: aggron, eevee, zapdos, moltres, gastly, shuppet, pidgey, spheal, zubat, victreebel, slugma, sandshrew, zigzagoon, lotad, drowzee. I can clone these pokemon in emerald and transfer them to x and y so i can give out copies of each of these
what im looking for: goomy, noibat, deino, bagon, trapinch, ralts (female), zorua, lapras, litwick, lucario, starly, entei, raikou, and suicune
Also can take offers ^^

Arc @arc
commented on
pokemon x and y: looking for shinys
Arc @arc
Will you take a shiny Bidoof?

syaoran1 @syaoran1
commented on
pokemon x and y: looking for shinys
syaoran1 @syaoran1
For who?

toe @toe
commented on
pokemon x and y: looking for shinys
toe @toe
I don't have anyone really special but I do have a shiny Clawitzer.
I've been looking for a shiny eevee for a while but if you don't want to make the trade it's totally cool.

l @chantz
commented on
pokemon x and y: looking for shinys
l @chantz
I think I still have my shiny lit wick

syaoran1 @syaoran1
commented on
pokemon x and y: looking for shinys
syaoran1 @syaoran1
What did u wanna trade for it?

Yu @metaljester
commented on
pokemon x and y: looking for shinys
Yu @metaljester
I will say shiny gengar is awesome.

syaoran1 @syaoran1
commented on
pokemon x and y: looking for shinys
syaoran1 @syaoran1
Yea, and its mega form is white, so its awesome

Akitou @akitou
commented on
pokemon x and y: looking for shinys
Akitou @akitou
I would give up my mustache to get my hands on a shiny Greninja.
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