Chobits and The Subject of Love

KenpachiZaraki @kenpachizaraki
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Chobits and The Subject of Love
KenpachiZaraki @kenpachizaraki
Just wanna state again, it's awesome.

skaterclown13 @skaterclown13
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Chobits and The Subject of Love
skaterclown13 @skaterclown13
i gotta say i completely agree with kenpachi on that one

click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
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Chobits and The Subject of Love
click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
Although Chobits was a very entertaining, touching story, I believe that the fact that a boy is falling in love with a ROBOT is commonly overlooked - something that I believe most of the world would frown upon.
Maybe it's because this community doesn't judge someone for an action like that, but taking a step back and looking at the complexity of love and relationships, our technology does not even come close to being able to produce Artificial Intelligence that advanced, and doubtfully ever will (speaking from the point of view of someone whose taken a few cognitive science courses).
That being said, love and emotions will soon be the only thing that separates us from machines. Can anyone really justify loving a computer? Or are Chobits essentially just the fancy of people with poor social skills? ...Wanting to be accepted by a robot and loved, without fear of rejection?

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
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Chobits and The Subject of Love
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
Chobits picks a robot as an extreme to make its point. Love is wanting to be with that other "person" to the eclusion of all others. Love is considering that "person's" bad points and saying they are far over shadowed by the good points to where the bad points become inmaterial. Love is "let me be with you." Clamp, an all female manga team, chose this extreme to drive their point home.

click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
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Chobits and The Subject of Love
click_here_for_candy @click_here_for_candy
But what I'm saying is that robots are robots because they cannot ever love. They mention many times in Chobits that a normal computer can never reject their owners, creating a one-sided relationship. Sure, they cover that because the main chobit magically develops a human soul, but it is as you say - an "extreme." But can an "extreme" story really teach or show people a "love" that can actually never happen in reality?
At best, the story theme is comparable to buying a pet dog, and hoping it will one day evolve into a human. Sure, you can develop a relationship with it, and it will adore you and do as it is told. But you controlled its fate from the moment you bought it. Is that really Love?
I'm primarily playing devil's advocate here, breaking the chain of yes's in response to the OP's question, "is it just a cute anime?"
Yes, I do think it's just a cute anime, and nothing more.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
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Chobits and The Subject of Love
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
I stand by my two posts.

ThePandaTyrant @thepandatyrant
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Chobits and The Subject of Love
ThePandaTyrant @thepandatyrant
Chobits made me happy...

flare3 @flare3
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Chobits and The Subject of Love
flare3 @flare3
This account has been suspended.

Sofia @gonebythenight
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Chobits and The Subject of Love
Sofia @gonebythenight
I watched Chobits when I was like.. 11? As an adult, I can firmly point out: there's a lot of ish wrong with it.

neeto @neet_one
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Chobits and The Subject of Love
neeto @neet_one
The only way someone can think it's a cute anime and not see the underline themes of romance, is if they've never read/watched it. I mean it's pretty blatant.
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