Chobits and The Subject of Love

Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
Chobits and The Subject of Love
Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
Alot of anime contains underlining themes, stories not straight out told, and mysteries.<br>/<br><br>/<br>
Chobits. Alot of people may think, "oh, it's just a cute anime, nothing more." It truly contains a deeper meaning about love. <br>/<br><br>/<br>
Do any of you see this as well?

xxx @__removed_cherryblossom555
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Chobits and The Subject of Love
xxx @__removed_cherryblossom555
Absolutely =) I briefly remember one of the episodes where Hideki is walking around and just realizing that people are starting to prefer persocoms rather than interacting with real people..which is really sad >_< Especially the episode with the guy who owns the bakery and his older persocom..combining the human element with technology can sometimes cross a line that can end up hurting people...anyone read the manga DOLL? It really reminds me of this theme..good forum topic =D

commented on
Chobits and The Subject of Love
From what I know of Chobits (the anime), it's a vile tower of crap built upon a foundation of excrement and sports a mosque style dome made of dookie. The "Meaning of Love" message that it was trying to convey falls hard on it's face with the fact that it's some guy falling in love with his 13 year old looking persocom that he found lying in the trash and decided to TAKE IT HOME WITH HIM. The story is about as compelling if my laptop gained sentience and I developed romantic feelings for it. The "deeper meaning of love" theme in Chobits is paper-thin, at best.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
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Chobits and The Subject of Love
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
Chobits is by Clamp, an all lady Manga team. It follows a boy in his transition from a sex obsessed teenager to his gaining a mature concept of love. In the Manga, he falls in love with the robot, even though he can never have sex with her (because of the position of her on/off switch). Chobits clearly defines the nature of true love. Love is deciding that the other persons good points are more important than ones bad points and wanting to be with that person to the exclusion of all others. Using a robot as the boys love interest drives home this point is an act of creative genius and drives the point home in a very memorable fashion. The series is the best illustration of the true nature of love that I know of in the Arts.

Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
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Chobits and The Subject of Love
Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
With technology dramatically increasing today, the idea of having at home andriod computers at home like "Chobits" is not that far fetched. What about Vocaloid? I cannot see a natural singer being replaced, but what if something like this does happen? Think it's possible to have events like what was in I-Robot actually happen? The television show, Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy, showed a computer with green lettering on it before the computer was introduced to the public.

I_shower_with_oldspice @mmysama
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Chobits and The Subject of Love
I_shower_with_oldspice @mmysama
personally, I can't wait until robotic women become cost effective enough to compete against organic women.

konad13 @konad13
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Chobits and The Subject of Love
konad13 @konad13
Chobits was great. You guys might also want to google "Project Aiko"

Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
commented on
Chobits and The Subject of Love
Poptimus Rhyme @hikkikomori
Aiko is kinda cute ^^
But yes Chobits definately outsmarts most other love themed anime, one of the few romance series that has an interesting approach to the subject instead of the done-to-death old insecure-high-school-boy plastic wrap.

konad13 @konad13
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Chobits and The Subject of Love
konad13 @konad13
Totally agree on both counts, Hikkikomori.

KenpachiZaraki @kenpachizaraki
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Chobits and The Subject of Love
KenpachiZaraki @kenpachizaraki
My view on it is, I can see the attraction to the persocom. A partner who is loyal to the death, will never lie to you, will never betray you, never cheat on you and never leave you. Especially with Chii, she is a Chobits which means she has REAL emotions, she loves, she feels pain etc. If only there was a woman who would be as loyal as a persocom. However, your average run of the mill persocom cannot feel love, it cannot love you like you love it, so falling in love with a persocom is falling in love with something that can only love you as much as you program it to. SO, I say Chii is the exception, falling in love with her is acceptable, any other persocom, pointless. DOBRISLAV, why don't you actually watch the anime before you go trashing it, because you look like an ass, it's an excellent anime and one of my favorites.
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