Do you hide your power level?

SDotMini @sdotmini
Do you hide your power level?
SDotMini @sdotmini
"When you hide your obsession with anime, manga, and japanese culture in general from the public eye."
Normally I don't bring it up to people unless I know they have the same interests. Maybe I might wear a subtle shirt or accessory.

Deathscythe0205 @shinigamikaitou
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Do you hide your power level?
Deathscythe0205 @shinigamikaitou
Nope. Why bother? If they're going to get to know me it's there, if they're not...oh well unless I work with them Im not going to see them again. Its not like I walk up to my boss or random people on the street going I LOVE ANIME but from my bags, shirts and random instances of cosplay *shrugs* I keep it understated at work, sailor moon or digivice stud earrings or a necklace if Im allowed because professional but other then that nah.

SDotMini @sdotmini
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Do you hide your power level?
SDotMini @sdotmini
I guess I'm more of a private person. I just don't see the point of bringing any of it up if there's no connection with others.

canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
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Do you hide your power level?
canteventalkaboutrealshith @cantthinkofabettername
This account has been suspended.

SDotMini @sdotmini
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Do you hide your power level?
SDotMini @sdotmini
I mean when I'm out in public I would show no sign of being an Otaku but many of the people who've I met & I added on Facebook/Instagram,etc get their feed blown up with me liking anime,cosplay,etc.

Arc @arc
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Do you hide your power level?
Arc @arc
Of course. A lot of people just don't understand it. It's just hard to explain yourself when you say you like anime and they respond with something like, "Huh? Wut's that? You mean like them poke-man's?"

nii_chan112 @nii_chan112
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Do you hide your power level?
nii_chan112 @nii_chan112
Well I only have two shirts related to anime and one messenger bag I don't use often, but it's not something I'm too loud about. I mean, that would be a bit obnoxious probably lol. Anime's definitely something I'm really into, but it's not that big of a deal really. If I meet new people my age I might ask if they're into it, but otherwise I'd say it doesn't come up much.

ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
commented on
Do you hide your power level?
ElderEmoJen @missallyesterday
Because my car is full of One Piece, we're talking seat covers, seatbelt covers, dash mat... No. But, I don't go talking about it openly, don't ask people what their favorite anime is, if they like anime etc. At work I dress very professional, so no anime. I did wear my Bepo cosplay to work for halloween for my coworkers, though. They loved it.

bookwatcher @bookwatcher
commented on
Do you hide your power level?
bookwatcher @bookwatcher
Now n then I use a anime wig to go to the store for fun but I usually never say about it unless asked. Most people can't understand it n call them just cartoons.
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