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are otaku girls really hard to find?

Where are they ? I've been looking for some
They're at the Okore meetup and probably going out to see the new DBZ movie. :P Hehehe! Next year there are going to be two anime cons in SD, so if you go you can totally meet a lot of them. :P
This is a weird topic question, as I've seen them EVERYWHERE. Most of them are already taken though so that's no fun. lol
Are we really that rare? I love anime, manga, Visual kei, art, and I'm 22..
I find them easily. They're watching anime or playing games with their boyfriends. But if you're a shut-in type then you'll have a hard time to find them online... ("If you're a female shut-in, people reach out to you and you're thought of as cute and shy, but if you're a male shut-in you're basically fucked." YouTube videos sometimes have some sound advice.)
It is ive been looking for some time but no girl really seems to be popping up maybe there isn't a otaku for me :(
If you're someone that goes to conventions regularly, they're not rare. I'd say the amount of them that're actually single though is really small.
Hard to meet at conventions. It does happen once in awhile, but the creeper factor is always high. Don't get your hopes up that much.
As one for a long time for myself, yes it is. Even though I have friends about equal amount. But there plenty when going to cons. Just hard to find the right one.
So I saw this the other day. This is what this topic is all about. Everyone wants the girl on the right while all that's available is the one on the left. TRUTH? :| https://fbcdn-photos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-0/10291047_653165204752676_4475390987246811050_n.jpg?oh=bbc2049e4620e2886acf36b3ab802d28&oe=5470503F&__gda__=1416272822_363c212662ef708ab73d4ef18dac5f74
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