Anime Characters That Inspired You

Princess Rika @rika_chan93
Anime Characters That Inspired You
Princess Rika @rika_chan93
Well, assuming most of us watched anime way before we even realized what anime was, I'm asking what characters inspired you as you grew up. Or even today. Like the ones you wished were real so you could meet them and the ones you wished you could become!! Lol! I think everyone at least has one character that inspired them in some way unless I'm just that weird and it's only happened to me. Doesn't have to be a "touch-y" or "sappy" reason.
Growing up, I loved Botan from YuYu Hakusho. I wanted to be just like her. I thought she was incredibly pretty and out going. I was a shy girl and I wish I could have been as carefree as her. Not to mention her hair was my favorite color!!! And she somehow always seemed to bring out the um..."best" in my favorite male character in the anime: Hiei. Lol. Botan will always be a character I adore but now, the character that inspires me is Hinata. I see a lot of myself in her. It's hard to explain. I think it's her will to overcome so many things and knowing she felt like the true outcast of her family. She still became stronger and defended the one person she loved even though he never showed any interest in her.
I adore Yuno from Mirai Nikki as well but for no better reason other than she's fudging crazy!!! I love Yuno!! YUKI YUKI YUKI YUKI YUKI!!!!!!!!!!! XD

. @saita
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Anime Characters That Inspired You
. @saita
Many characters from many series have inspired me in one form or another over the years, and continue to do so.
I don't feel like saying specific names and reasons, cause it'll turn into an hour long rant, but i've picked up a lot of decent traits, insight, etc, that I put to use in my daily life and better myself as a person.
And i'm very thankful for that.

Karasu @kain_karasu
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Anime Characters That Inspired You
Karasu @kain_karasu
Hmmmm I'm gonna have to agree with Shinyumi on this one, a lot of different characters inspired/ gave me some insight over the years and continue to do so. But when I started watching anime, Gene Starwind from Outlaw Star was a big inspiration to me, he wasn't exactly 'responsible' but he did have a dream, and he set out to realize it even though he had to overcome his fear.

chicgeek23 @chicgeek23
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Anime Characters That Inspired You
chicgeek23 @chicgeek23
I never had any real life role models but I grew up watching anime characters and what they stood for which always inspired me to always try to be a good person. It's hard to narrow it down to only one.

andegame @andegame
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Anime Characters That Inspired You
andegame @andegame
I think Kenshin from Samurai X inspired me, he's pretty awesome. Even with his past

doubt_equals_ammo @doubt_equals_ammo
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Anime Characters That Inspired You
doubt_equals_ammo @doubt_equals_ammo
Well said, Shinyumi. Mine is an extremely long list (even by MY standards...) also.
@Karasu: Great choice. I'd also add that he was quick on his feet and could adapt very well to practically any situation.
As for my own choices, I'm just gonna keep it short and sweet (and I'll probably just add sooooooooo many more later :D).
Genji Amano and Ban Mido (the Getbackers)
They're both so full of win, and they're not all 'stuck up' about it. It's to the point that because they're both so humble (even when they're arrogant), everyone thinks they have a chance against them.
Nah, son.

Shoddy @shoddy
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Anime Characters That Inspired You
Shoddy @shoddy
Kamina from Gurren Lagann, the anime and character that pulled me out of a long depression, and continues to inspire me to this day.

kathy_wishart @kathy_wishart
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Anime Characters That Inspired You
kathy_wishart @kathy_wishart
i would have to say kuroko tetsuya from kuroko no basket because he never gives upon anything,and that has helped me accomplish so many things

Arc @arc
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Anime Characters That Inspired You
Arc @arc
Light Yagami from Deathnote. He ruthlessly pursues his ambition knocking down everyone that stands in his way. I try to emulate that kind of ruthless confidence in my own life.

Princess Rika @rika_chan93
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Anime Characters That Inspired You
Princess Rika @rika_chan93
Some really nice inspirations guys!! I especially like yours Arc! Though Light was in many ways a villain, he still pushed forward letting no one get in his way of what he believed in.
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