Being an idealist is such a drag

BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
Being an idealist is such a drag
BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
Recently I was hired for a marketing job, but pretty much quit immediately because I hate it. The earnings potential and promotional opportunities are great, however I'm not a fan of working on commission and am not much of a people person. Should I just stick with it or try to get a job I love?

kurokame @kurokame
commented on
Being an idealist is such a drag
kurokame @kurokame
Depends does money equal happiness in your, book. I say make as much as you can before you burn out on it. like most do when a job is stressful, work it while the moneys good then move on. Remember that its only a job and not a carreer,

anarqe @anarqe
commented on
Being an idealist is such a drag
anarqe @anarqe
WTF< Right now I would take just about anything, It actually depends really on position, no matter what. Get rid of the Ideals and you have position. If you have the ability, time and money to look around for a job go for it, if not accept the job untill you are able to look for something better. That is the real point.

commented on
Being an idealist is such a drag
Become a beekeeper and sell the honey they produce.

BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
commented on
Being an idealist is such a drag
BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
My biggest issue is that it's 100% commissioned and I have to pretend to be a people person all day. In reality I shouldn't be complaining, I would rather not spend the rest of my years doing something I hate.

Sobi @sobi
commented on
Being an idealist is such a drag
Sobi @sobi
I've been there myself, and can honestly say it's not worth it do wearing yourself down doing a job you absolutely loathe. I'm not a people person wither and I worked in retail for a few years, and it was really hard on my health. That'd be my advice if you can afford it. If you have to, just work that job until you find another one.

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
commented on
Being an idealist is such a drag
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
Sobi is dead on. I was in a job that paid very well for years. Then one day I realized that I no longer considered the Dilbert Cartoon funny because I was living it. I don't make much now but I love working in a hobby shop. Where else can you work and get daily proof that house plants have learned to use telephones? Seriously, I am having fun and don't plan to retire anytime soon.

Sephiroth @sephiroth
commented on
Being an idealist is such a drag
Sephiroth @sephiroth
I wouldn't be able to do a marketing job based purely on commission - mostly because those jobs are centered around selling absolute garbage for more than it's worth and ripping people off. I have friends with those jobs that you have to go around selling kitchen cutlery. The stuff is good, I mean the knives are really sharp, but the cost is 2x more than what the same quality item would cost at a store, yet you as the hard-worker only get 10%. Those jobs are pure commission because they know that they won't make any money unless they force you to rip people off and scam them into buying the junk. I wouldn't be able to do that simply because I don't want to take advantage of people for a living. Maybe your job is different, IDK, but that's the norm there.<br />
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I agree with the other posters, though - doing something you hate can be bad for your health.

Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
commented on
Being an idealist is such a drag
Kaji @kajithevagrantsoul
My mother is doing a job like that, Sephiroth....gosh. I know we needed money, but it's not working. I knew it wasn't gonna do us any good......but I can't stop her. Mendokusai......

KaitoYamino @kaitoyamino
commented on
Being an idealist is such a drag
KaitoYamino @kaitoyamino
I almost got a job like that once, they had pretty much accepted me to work there, but in the pre-training (3 hour seminar in which they demonstrated the awesomeness of their cutlery) they said to bring in a friend or relative to "practice" trying to sell their crappy cutlery to for training, it sounded so much like a scam, and I wouldn't have been able to do that on a normal basis even to strangers, so I just never went back.
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