Artists are so hard to find, are you one?

Jaighan @jaighan
Artists are so hard to find, are you one?
Jaighan @jaighan
Have spent the past year starting to write the first instalment of a Sci-Fi Fantasy series, that I have been honing for a few years now.
I haven't gotten as far as I would like but I'm also beginning to think that this series would benefit as a graphic novel, rather than just a written piece.
Nothing is set in stone and because of this, I was hoping to find an artist to collaborate with and work together. If you like science fiction and fantasy then please, get in touch. If you can draw and would like to add your artistic talent to this project, then please get in touch.
Just looking for a passionate, enthusiastic person, who has some spare time and would like to fill that time up creatively.

sassyspark @sassyspark
commented on
Artists are so hard to find, are you one?
sassyspark @sassyspark
I give good luck to you!

Jaighan @jaighan
commented on
Artists are so hard to find, are you one?
Jaighan @jaighan
Ahhh, thank you but as you can see by the amount of responses I don't need it....sigh

lebod110 @lebod110
commented on
Artists are so hard to find, are you one?
lebod110 @lebod110
Luck!? How bothersome why can't i just pay a buck to get my luck.
I'm getting tired all this elements in this world what do they serve? Its just working on my nerves!!
Wish, faith, hope, humans are all full of it but when its extinguished it will all be relinquished other words don't lose hope -_^. Hope i helped ;)
Putted my utmost effort to make it hope you liked it ^_^

Jaighan @jaighan
commented on
Artists are so hard to find, are you one?
Jaighan @jaighan
Well...that was quite something else!
Faith has never been my forte, that's why I have more than one avenue to stroll down.
Still, I'd be lying if said yours and sassyspark's words didn't draw a smile on my face. Even if this is another dead end, thank you for making it a pleasant wander.
Keep up the motivational messaging.

moemoekyun @moemoekyun
commented on
Artists are so hard to find, are you one?
moemoekyun @moemoekyun
I like to draw and experiment. I could give it a go if you want! Just check out my art on my DA. The link is in my "About Me"

itsukiakiba @itsukiakiba
commented on
Artists are so hard to find, are you one?
itsukiakiba @itsukiakiba
You're looking at one! I'm pretty good at all that Sci FI stuff and horror :)

Inkuneko @inkuneko
commented on
Artists are so hard to find, are you one?
Inkuneko @inkuneko
I found an artist to do commission work for me on DeviantArt. That might be a place to look around for someone to do art if you can't find anyone on here.

Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
commented on
Artists are so hard to find, are you one?
Galactic-Squidd @kawaiidango
Im an artist O3O

M u g i ❤ @stellalina
commented on
Artists are so hard to find, are you one?
M u g i ❤ @stellalina
Well you might be able to find an artist here.. I'm an artist too but I'll let you in on something. Not many artists really like to collab with other people. If they are other artists they are collaborating with it makes sense but when it comes to someone with ideas or someone who writes not many artists really like to collab with them.Most artists I know from DA Do it for money obviously, Commissioning and stuff like that because that is the job of the artist your offering your talents for cash but I never see any artists doing it for free or for fun. Because artists kind of naturally like to just draw what they like or what inspires them or what they are in the mood for, Art is very free of nature type of thing. That is why artists can get pressured or nervous or even depressed when it comes to collaborating with people because they have to draw it EXACTLY there way or it is unacceptable and if they do it there way the author or person will be like ' Ohhh that is great!! But you kind of got this wrong, Blahblah character is strong and courageous he wouldn't do something like that, can you draw him doing this blahblah instead of this. ' Then you know, Most artist go like Ohhh okay! But in reality that annoys them. And then when they come back again the person has something to complain about ' YOru really good and your almoooost grasping my concept but in my head it is a little different..change this add this do this ' Artists are free people they hate having someone tell them what to do what to draw like.. So yeah this is mainly why artists don't like collaborating unless they HAVE to as for like cash. If you pay me and you pay me good then I'll consider. But I'm not doing a free collab just for the heck of it, No way no way~
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