Guys who like conversation

Karimoon @karimoon
Guys who like conversation
Karimoon @karimoon
I am okay with guys who like to talk alot. Heck I like to talk a lot too sometimes about important things, sometimes about likes & dislikes, sometimes about complete randomness, sometimes about nothing really important at all. Anyone else like that around here?

pompeiazucena @pompeiazucena
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Guys who like conversation
pompeiazucena @pompeiazucena
I like people who can carry a conversation in general

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
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Guys who like conversation
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
Talking is the basis of relationships. If the guy can't talk, he needs a mind reader for a girlfriend.

Karimoon @karimoon
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Guys who like conversation
Karimoon @karimoon
lol yes indeed [u]Ridingcatbus[/u] and yet sometimes I hear the ridiculous comments about 'I don't like/want to be around so and so simply because they talk alot'. I've heard a girl say a guy wasn't worth dating because he liked to talk. I was like wtf so should he be mute? O_o;

Karimoon @karimoon
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Guys who like conversation
Karimoon @karimoon
I like this type of randomness: so I saw my friend today and she said she had the strangest dream concerning me where she was running from a creeper who was chasing her with a knife. She left her bookbag in one of my classes and when I ran into her while she was running from the creeper I told her I had been looking for her to give her back her bookbag and then we both proceeded to run from the creeper. LOLZZ XD
And then there was the cum and poprocks......make what you will of it we had a VERY engaging discussion on that one. XD

Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
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Guys who like conversation
Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
I have some male friends who usually only answer me with one word replies and I hate that! Please have something more to say than just "yah" "ok" "huh" and "yes" or "no"<br><br>
My current boyfriend is really good at holding a conversation and I like him for that quality. He also has alot of very meaningful things to say instead of just randomness all the time. I think it shows that he has some maturity and a smart mind. He also shows that he cares what I have to say. Although, if he talked alot like one of my girl friends, that would drive me nuts because that girl can talk my ear off and keeps repeating information over and over again. Now if my guy did that, THEN I would have a problem. And complete randomness is always fun.

BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
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Guys who like conversation
BeenJamminable @beenjamminable
I like having a conversation, but I'm usually not the one to initiate it. But I have a hard time finding people that want to talk about more than just the weather.

Karimoon @karimoon
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Guys who like conversation
Karimoon @karimoon
Yes I hate one worded replies as well unless were playing a game where you have to say the first word on your mind or something when I say something like Fruitcake: Yummeh!

Karimoon @karimoon
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Guys who like conversation
Karimoon @karimoon
I do talk about more than weather and guys seem to hate me for it. I guess they want me to shut up but it's not like I'm saying the same thing over and over I'm talking about something that interests me or what I think will happen in the future that type of thing. I don't mind telling them what type of day I had & they can tell me all about theirs as well. We can go to an art musuem and stare at a picture for a few hours and discuss it for all I care.

ikkoku @ikkoku
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Guys who like conversation
ikkoku @ikkoku
Maybe you should be a narrator or TV talk show host <B>Karimoon</b>. I like to keep up a good conversation too if it's interesting. I like to talk and ask a lot of questions when I meet someone new so I can get to know 'em better. A few weeks ago, I connected with a girl from Utah on We talked on the phone for like 2 hours. I haven't had a conversation that long in a while and I did most of the talking. However things didn't click... sigh.
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