What is Love?

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
What is Love?
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
It would be interesting to hear what Otakus think love is. First of all, I don't think I am some sort of expert just because I am older. Everyone's insight should be welcome here. I get to go first. I think if you want a perfect definition of what love looks like, either read the Manga or watch the Anime Chobits. Hideki learns the meaning of love in that series. No ones perfect. Love is clearly seeing the bad in someone and saying the good is so much greater that you want to be with that person to the exclusion of all others. That's my opinion. Let's hear from you.

ikkoku @ikkoku
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What is Love?
ikkoku @ikkoku
♪ "Baby, don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more..."♫

ikkoku @ikkoku
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What is Love?
ikkoku @ikkoku
In scientific terms, it's a chemical reaction. However empirically/logically it makes no sense. Honestly, I don't think I really been "in love". I might have felt on occasion "puppy love" but that's all. However one undeniable truth I've learned about love is that "Love is Destructive" - The End of Evangelion

Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
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What is Love?
Ridingcatbus @ridingcatbus
I know plenty about the "Dark Side." Been divorced twice and a broken engagement. Been in love only to be ditched for someone else. But you know, real life isn't for wimps. Anime is such a positive force that I have to believe in a better day. I love Evangelion but I am more Rahxephon. I am sorry you have not had good experiences.

Karimoon @karimoon
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What is Love?
Karimoon @karimoon
I think love is wanting to be with someone through the thick and thin even when they get on your very very last nerves and you want to soccer punch their nuts to the back of their throat and throw them off the side of the grand canyon.... etc. Even though it seems like anime-only-dreamish-stuff Usagi and Mamoru and Haruka and Michiru from Sailor moon are about the perfect example of this. There has to be things about each other that they hate & yet look at how long they remain married. Any human King and Queen would've murdered each other after that long. Asuka and Shinji are like the polar opposite where you really love and care for each other yet you argue sometimes. When she places her hand on Shinki's cheek at the end of the end of eva I wanted to cry it was suck a sweet gesture though why the hell he was choking her I will never understand.

Karimoon @karimoon
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What is Love?
Karimoon @karimoon
I meant *such* before lol XD

Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
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What is Love?
Firelord_Wheeler @tader_salad
Love is a feeling thats easy to catch but almost impossible to put into words. :)

Gurei @gurei
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What is Love?
Gurei @gurei
Well, I belive that love is when you like all of the persons good points and, take the bad as well. I do not belive in love at first sight, because you cannot "love" someone having not know anything about them and go mearly on looks - because that's lust. Hence, I belive that you have to like them for their apperance, their personality, and like them who THEY are and not try to change them into what YOU want them to be. I myself try not to be too judgemental when it comes to looks because I like personality over looks but as humans we instantly like at what is tangible, and don't look much into what we can't - personality, as it can't be viewed. Anyway, I also hate how the word love is overused, as it just seems to be something we say all the time and do not mean.I personally have never said I have loved anyone. Well, then again, I have been girlfriendless my entire life as I have not found somebody I can truly say I love.

Sobi @sobi
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What is Love?
Sobi @sobi
I wish I could answer your question, but I honestly have no idea what "Romantic" love is. I have never been in love so have no real experience to draw on. I'd like to think it's something you just know when you feel it, and can't be accurately described. As for all the other types of love like the love of family, friends, or at least for me my pets, those don't really need an explanation.

kurokame @kurokame
commented on
What is Love?
kurokame @kurokame
love is not love, or so some great poet wrote,an continues on to say that mankinds definition of affection is too very limited and narrow to ever be called love. I preach science but I can say that "love is simply a creation of evolution, to ensure reproduction, or even breakit down to chemical atraction" to the cows come home,but reasonably in my heart of hearts, maybe my soul I feel love is a pull like gravity, that draws us to one another,prompting the irrationally, impossible in or natures,selfishly unselfish actions, grandieous gestures and god forbid sincerity.
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