What kind of gamer are you?

TakeruInudo @takeruinudo
What kind of gamer are you?
TakeruInudo @takeruinudo
so what kind of gamer are you? and what are the types/genre do you prefer?
me, well i like to try and complete a game to its fullest without rushing it (if i do story lines n RPG ) if im ever doing a 2player i can be pretty competitive.
now for the types of games, i dont know why, i just rarely play any games that were originaly from japan. im not sure why, most american games (comparing from US to JP games) just seem like they are lacking something (wether it be detail/taste/images ect.) the only one game i enjoyed that was american and didnt have alot of stuff that i felt were missing was Jak and Daxter, other than that, all my other games are of JP origin. I like things that have a good story line, good characters, plenty of times where u actually have to think n solve things, plenty of action (im not gona list them all cause it would be VERY LONG).
oh, and one more question, how much of a gamer are you?
what i mean is, how far are u willing to go when it comes to games. for me, im actualy willing to try to play foreign games even if i can understand it or not (i mean honestly, we all know japan keeps their best games in Japan :P ) plus, its not entirely JP just picking what games they want to come over to america and other countries, its vice versa, the other country has to want it to be sold in that country, so not as much games as i would like to play from japan are coming over and being translated, so im just gona do what i can to play (raw) japanese games.
so how about you guys? (and girls :P )

highixiwind @highixiwind
commented on
What kind of gamer are you?
highixiwind @highixiwind
I guess you could say I'm a hardcore gamer.
If its a series I know, care about, and follow. I'm going to complete it to the best of my ability especially if its one of my survival horror series or rpgs.
Then I get games that I've heard are good and if they really are good I play them to full completion and hit most of the side stuff without being meticulous.
Lastly, if its not a crappy game and I have access to it I'm always marathoning something be it anime or games. I'm almost through with all the infamous and bioshock series and I just started them both a week ago for instance.
All while i was level 50 end game dragoon in ffxiv arr in half a month.
On top of my weekly anime and queues
Full time job and life outside that.
I will die of sleep exhaustion one day but until then. So much do!

Data @aida_player
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What kind of gamer are you?
Data @aida_player
I'm a Hardcore competitive gamer. Slightly different from highwind
RTS, MOBA, FPS, MMORPGS. I love them. If there is no Direct player + Player interaction in the game. I will find it less enjoyable than a game of lesser quality with Player + Player interaction.
A good game that does Player interaction right is Darksouls.
Single player with the ability to be multiplayer at almost any-point in the game.
But I like being competitive. That being said, I also like some single player games like the megaman Series and Persona and such.
Heavy on competitive, Low on Single player

O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
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What kind of gamer are you?
O|̿ ̶̿'╮|̶͇̿ ̶͇̿ ͇̿ |͇̿ ͇̿ @oreo717
FPS.... COD...

Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
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What kind of gamer are you?
Dr. Kichigai Seuss @kichigai913
I never understood these answers. "I'm hardcore". Dafuq? do you live and breathe video games? Do you have to get every trophy/achievement?
As for me, I play RPG's, lots of em. I also enjoy adventure, action, fighting and very select few shooters, both FPS & TPS. I could list all the RPG's I've played, but then I'd be here for a while. I've played all the classic RPG's that are a necessity to play (Xenogears, FF, BoF, Star Ocean, Grandia, Tales of, Dragon Quest). I'm only competitive when it comes to fighting games. I hate racing & sports games.
I have zero interest in the new gen consoles. I won't be getting either until Spring, the earliest.
Current consoles I own - NES, SNES, Genesis, GBA, 3DS, PS3, 360, PS2.
Current Games I'm playing:
Devil Survivor 1 & 2 (3ds)
Dishonored (PS3)
Tales of Vesparia (360)
Breath of Fire 3 (PS)
Recently Beaten games:
Zelda - Link between worlds (3DS)
Assassin's Creed 3 (360)
Megaman 2 & 3 (Nes)

ramensoup43 @ramensoup43
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What kind of gamer are you?
ramensoup43 @ramensoup43
Casual. Too much work and outside life to keep me from gaming as much as possible, I can't get into any groove to really play like I used to, but content with what I can do.
I see the description "Hardcore" not in lifestyle but as in percentage of time put in + personal interest. Like if 40%-60% of your day goes into playing video games and at least 1/8 of your income goes towards game related material (game accessories or game-related clothing or style like decals or skins for systems, but not games themselves) I'd say that would be in "hardcore" perspective.
From another viewpoint, "hardcore" can be given in quantity from how many trophy/achievements the individual currently has. Given the constant or median of a casual player will probably have an average of a 9-13 trophy level on PS3, a "hardcore" gamer may have well above that, probably around level 16+. Amount of platinum trophies may be a factor in that too, displaying how much the player dissects the game in order to be thorough in what they do before moving on, never coming back to that game again. Then again, that may be more of the work of a "perfectionist" who plays a game to 100% achievements over the fun or replay value appeals.
While we're on the subject, another kind of gamer is a "professional" gamer, who are usually either tournament, arcade, or MMO players. These breed of gamers will play in a more competitive way since for the most part it's against another person or persons. Tourney players are either at conventions or national competitions (EVO 2004 championship Justin vs Daigo is a big example. Older DDR freestyle players were a good example too). Arcade players are a smaller scale of Tourney players with the same mindset (DDR Perfect attack players or MvC2 groups, or even on the lowest scale people who hunt for high scores).
MMO players are a little different. Since there's virtually no end to an MMO game, it becomes more of a variation of half job/half social style. Where as performing a task in a video game is entertaining, even though overall it's almost like work. But in life if you do work that you like, you get satisfaction that comes with it. If you don't see it that way overall then online games will not appeal to you. From this sort of free style way of playing, it either becomes an unpaid job that you enjoy doing or it becomes a worldwide bragging rights contest to see whose e-wiener is bigger. Either way, you may have to pay a fee each month, or you're one of those LoL kinda players that will tell people that they suck because you can do a better job or have inferior equipment. (There's another type of online player that plays the game to sell in-game money. For the most part, Chinese prisons have cornered that market, forcing dangerous inmates to play games 18 hours a day nonstop while banning physical exercise or rest. That results in sluggish, out of shape, and fatigue prisoners that are now less of a threat, while their hard work get sold for real money which fills the pockets of the police that holds them.)
So to review, a "perfectionist" has to get every trophy/achievement, while a "hardcore" gamer will live and breathe video games to an extent. A "professional" gamer plays to compete over all other aspects.

Isaac Joule @isaacjoule
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What kind of gamer are you?
Isaac Joule @isaacjoule
I'm muuuuuuuuuuuuch more casual a gamer than I was back in the 90s. Nowadays, most of the games I play are based on anime somewhere along the line. A lot of the games that don't start off as anime, eventually became anime, or have anime cut scenes in them.
On the PSP, I'll use cwcheats to allow me to control my partner's actions in Yu-Gi-Oh Tag Force games or give myself infinite boost in Gundam vs Gundam Next Plus.
In PS3 games, I can't cheat because I'm not going to hack such an expensive piece of a equipment and lose its online functionality. There I'm a bit more tolerant of grinding for parts in games like Gundam 0081. Typically I play with the PSP during my morning and evening commutes. I play with the PS3 on Saturdays and Sundays- assuming I don't have anything else more pressing to attend to.

Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
commented on
What kind of gamer are you?
Shadowdemonx9 @shadowdemonx9
To be honest I don't know what type of gamer category I could be placed under. Been playing games for awhile and I used to game-hop at least every week when I was younger looking for games that would stick and take up my time for hours on end.
Games I've enjoyed:
Phantasy Star Online Episodes 3&4 *Xbox
Ragnarok Online
Morrowind *Xbox
Halo 2 *Xbox
DOA *Xbox
Those are the three games that took up a lot of my time when I was younger.
Games that I've liked that will never come to the US:
DOA Online **Only out in china right now, it was a very fun mmo.
Butterfly Sword Online **No release date of it ever coming to the US
Blade Chronicle **Good Game, has to do with mouse gestures. Would be great for touch screen computers.
I've played games from the US, China, Korea (Yes even with needing a KSSN). And my and my brother used to make a lot of the videos to help people sign-up for the foreign games for people that didn't know how to.
I used to be technically hardcore by how much time I've spent playing games. Now I'm more casual and sometimes hardcore when I get into a game.
Current Games:
Pokemon X
Waiting for releases:
Blade and Soul *waiting the US release
HalfLife 3
7th Sky *Maybe, have to see if the game was ever released from the concept
Gunz 2 *waiting the US release
I'm always interested in checking out new games if my current setup can handle it on laptop.
There's a lot of games that's not on here that I've played, I honestly just went to mmorpg.com list and just chose a new game every week that looked interesting or that I wanted to beta/alpha. But I don't have enough time to do that anymore or a brother to game with like that anymore. So I haven't really game-hopped for awhile.

vex @vex
commented on
What kind of gamer are you?
vex @vex
Really good question, Never thought of it myself to be honest.
When I look at it I play many different games but I only stick to a few genres.
Would say that Shooters and RPGs are what takes most of my time and interest.
Im not much for Hag'n Slash such as Metal gear solid nor do I like sports games (They are just so bad its unbearable)
Games I could Play day in and day out:
Fallout series - Fallout 3 and NV
Mass Effect series
Halo Series
Pokemon Series
Borderlands series
Metro 2033 and Last light
and so on
in RPG: I am one who would do everything possible in the game, Main/side Missions and exploring, Glitches and Easter eggs.
I will play the entire game again to try a different approach and so on.
in FPS: Such as halo I do play the story/campaign but what I really play is Multiplayer, In halo I have yet to find a player whom I can't beat. Halo is a game that I picked up when Combat evolved first came out and I have been playing it since, So my love is still there.
My favourite games by genre:
RPG: Fallout
FPS: Halo
Epic Game that I don't know if is one genre or another: Mass effect

r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
commented on
What kind of gamer are you?
r0BSCEÑ0 @robscene
I'm a jerk of all trades, master of none.
If it's a franchise that started in the 80's/90's and is still alive today then I'm likely still into it.
Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Megaman, Castlevania, Resident Evil, Pokemon.
I use to be big into fighting games, but ever since they left the arcades, I've lost touch with most of them.
Lately I've been sinking lots of my time into kill/loot/repeat games like Borderlands and Dragons Crown.
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