What kind of gamer are you?

nekoart @nekoart
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What kind of gamer are you?
nekoart @nekoart
Hmm not sure what category I would fall under. I play almost anything I can get my hands on except for sports games that is. Never liked those for some reason.
I don't finish every little thing about the games I play though. If it really catches my interest I will play it multiple times over and try to "complete" it, but that only happens very rarely.
Most of the time I finish a play through maybe two and then I lose interest.

duqhwisyzywvrbroaksbwhetzv @soraace7
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What kind of gamer are you?
duqhwisyzywvrbroaksbwhetzv @soraace7
Im in between casual and hardcore tbh.
I love Fighting, rpg, moba, and action/adventure games( kinda like racing, but thats only for mario kart).
I usually don't fully 100% complete a game though, unless I have extra time.

grex10 @grex10
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What kind of gamer are you?
grex10 @grex10
In game esp. RPG, I'm being strategic!
24/7 games, all types of games, and in fighting I can definitely fight for tekken! =D

xueli @xueli
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What kind of gamer are you?
xueli @xueli
I gotta complete 100% of the game in as little playthroughs as possible. Which is why for a while I rage-quit AC3 because I didn't get all the homestead missions pop up

TakeruInudo @takeruinudo
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What kind of gamer are you?
TakeruInudo @takeruinudo
I'm so excited, i found a raw japanese imported PS3 game at the game swap-shop :D happiest day of my life!! i don't have a PS3, but it makes a nice little trophy XD brand new too, and payed only $12, best deal EVER!!!!!

The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
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What kind of gamer are you?
The_Geeky_Panda @the_geeky_panda
You can say I am a Hardcore Gamer. I mainly play shooters but also enjoy fighting, strategy, RPGs, and more.

da_uman @da_uman
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What kind of gamer are you?
da_uman @da_uman
Most definitely hardcore as well as being super critical of games in general, basically if i feel a game is wasting my time and it's not actively engaging in terms of game play and not story (i couldn't care less about story in games) i'm likely to drop it.
action rpg, turn based strategy, fps would be my genres atm
As for how far i'm willing to go in games i'd have to say too far :P i love it when a game challenges me and forces me to think and adapt. A few examples are I've finished impossible ironman on xcom enemy unknown and done a level 1 no upgrades run of dark souls.

Cris_CookiesxD @crisg987
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What kind of gamer are you?
Cris_CookiesxD @crisg987
Im the kind of cat that likes to nap oh whoops I mean im not *hardcore* but hate being bugged when im into my games im not too picky on games as long they catch my eye

ジュレル・ザ・アジアン人 @your_japanatic
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What kind of gamer are you?
ジュレル・ザ・アジアン人 @your_japanatic
I'm a long time J-gamer so I usually play Nintendo or PlayStation but I play mostly Japanese music games as a raw import, I'm addicted to Taiko no Tatsujin. Do any of you Play Zangeki No Reginleiv (Wii)? I want to play it online with someone...

havoc81 @havoc81
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What kind of gamer are you?
havoc81 @havoc81
I'm mostly a JRPG gamer now, but I also play strategy games and some fighting game when I have people over. Also a few shooter here and there. In the late 90's I was a competitive Street Fighter 2 and X-men children of the Atom player in the Philadelphia area when arcades used to throw tournaments for bragging rights. I'm still better than most the people I know, but now a days that skill is gone.
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