64 hour sleep deprived no structure poem.
Jae @jyim
64 hour sleep deprived no structure poem.
Jae @jyim
Above the calm and stagnant water in our hearts,
Sits the Musician--- the Maestro of pain.
He masterfully orchestrates his symphony in D-min.
Its' sound quite beautiful...
We are mesmerized.
But, I beg of you to rejoice!
I beg of you to see the Musician as a force for good!
For little do we know,
That pain is only a reprise to the Grand Song that we ALL play to.
Little do we see,
That for every positive, there is a negative.
Every Yin, a Yang.
Absolute Equilibrium.
So, with all my voice I'll shout, "Go!"
Go and Effervesce.
For if you have taken comfort in the calm currents,
A Tsunami awaits.
austin @austin
commented on
64 hour sleep deprived no structure poem.
austin @austin
That was great
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