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blackmage @blackmage
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blackmage @blackmage
❆❅❉Merry Christmas❆❅❉
*<|:o) hoho

PrincessAwkwardd @princessawkwardd
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PrincessAwkwardd @princessawkwardd
Mmmm it's a tie between Attack on Titan and Madoka Magica ^w^ What's your favorite anime?

PrincessAwkwardd @princessawkwardd
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PrincessAwkwardd @princessawkwardd
Game Creation

austin @austin
Game Creation
austin @austin
Hello geniuses of the online world I am seeking to create the perfect game, it would be a MMORPG you could build, travel, got to space. Or if u just want to chill you can buy add ons for a ship house, a casle, a apparent ETC u get idea. Also you would be able to buy ADD ON companions, these would be your loyal followers. If this sounds like a good idea to any of you send me a message, if we all work together we can make the perfect game
Who is your anime self?

austin @austin
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Who is your anime self?
austin @austin
Mines aukuto sigh the demon king