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Sex while dating?

Oct 25, 10 at 11:38pm
Ikkoku, most people who commented on your phrase were able to “read between the lines” and understand that you were attempting to make a witty phrase within your argument. However, being able to understand that doesn’t change the fact that the wording still offended people. From my standpoint, I’m not criticizing you because you portray women as objects seeing as you never directly said such a thing, but I’m criticizing your choice of words and simply suggesting that you be more mindful of what you say as the ‘misinterpretation’ of your phrase be easily seen by most people. Once again, I apologize if you’re offended by my advice but it’s just merely a suggestion and whether you decide to take it or not is your choice.
Oct 26, 10 at 12:58am
Hey <B>Minh</B>! It's not my fault people get offended easily. I'm just blunt and real about it, that's all. If people weren't so up tight, this would a better world but hey, that's just my opinion. Also, it's impossible to write/create/publish something that will make EVERYONE happy. It just doesn't happened. Someone somewhere will get offended for things others people don't. Your comments/writings/works only work for a targeted audience, it can't please everyone. You have to understand that. That's a very important lesson I'm giving to you for free from the J.J.V. School of Communication. Thanks for the advice but I don't really need it.
Oct 26, 10 at 6:04am
While it’s true that it’s impossible to please everyone, it would’ve still been possible to avoid offending those who were by your phrase if you used what you’ve stated you’d use if you were using a serious tone instead. From what you’re saying I’m assuming that you made your target audience males seeing as it offended some females. I’m not sure the ratio of males to females on MaiOtaku but let’s assume that it’s 50:50. So you aren’t taking 50% of the population into consideration which is a pretty large percentage to just ignore. Not only that but when you wrote the post with the offending phrase in it, the only posts on the topic at that time were by females, so you should have taken females into consideration also while writing your post. So while it’s not possible to please everyone, it’s best to keep the number of people offended as low as possible.
Oct 27, 10 at 1:39am
I was hoping to relate with <I>older</i> and <i>maturer</i> people on here regardless of gender on the subject. Also psychologically males and females tend to feel different about the subject matter so it's interesting to see their point of view and I'm glad this thread has exploded to what it has become. Many people shared and commented their point of view about the subject matter and that's how we all learn from each other. However, my words are my words and to quote a very intelligent man: "All I have in this world is my b@lls and my word and I don't break them for no one" -Antonio Montana I strongly feel that this is very relevant to my freedoms of expressing myself within the limits of my jurisdiction(s); which I practice. So please, ease off. So you and some people don't like my style of writing/commenting. That's completely fine and I don't really care of winning ya over. However as long as there's someone out there (which I have many fans) who like my words, I'm going to keep it up. -Signed
Oct 27, 10 at 6:18am
Oh wow, isn’t Antonio Montana that guy from Scarface? But the reason why I even criticized your choice of words in the first place can been seen in this quote, “Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill.” -Siddhartha Gautama. Your words influence people and that’s probably your intention. I’m sure you were simply just voicing your opinion but your choice of words in the quote and examples of “Try before you buy” could not only offend people but also influence sexism even if it wasn’t your intent. People are easily influenced by the words of others which is why you should choose your words carefully so don’t unintentionally promote ill behaviors in people such as sexism. This can be easily done by keeping your words as inoffensive as possible. The concept of “Try before you buy” was very logical and I’m sure a lot of people would agree to it, but some people might pick up the unintended sexism in how you worded it and agree with it due to the agreement with the concept. I apologize for how you feel about our criticism but that phrase “Try before you buy” can offend many and even influence a handful of people towards sexism if it somehow diffused from MaiOtaku to other places, which is why I’m asking you to be more mindful.
Oct 27, 10 at 9:39pm
GG. Ikkoku, you mad bro?
If you don't shut the FUCK up i'll slap you with something thats definetly not a dead penis.
Oct 28, 10 at 2:51am
Minh, I'm a communicaitons major, don't even try to school me on this because you can't. I'm in a institution of higher learning just for that. Sigh... I was hoping someone wouldn't have to resort to witless and feeble-minded internet memes like you <B>Purastikk</B>. I'm sorry for singling you out <I>"bro"</I> but it's trash like that which pollutes the internet (there's only 1 internet so it's not plural). Take that elsewhere please. However, to answer your question: I'm just grand, thank you for asking. <B>nadaHIKARU</B> What's your deal?
Oct 28, 10 at 6:00am
I’m not attempting to school you on communications but I’m merely justifying my opinions. It doesn’t matter to me that you’re a communications major as this is an argument of morals, not communications though it’s used to get our points across and plays a role in the argument also, but it isn’t the big picture here. Since you pulled a quote from a movie in your previous post then I guess I will also, “When you argue correctly, you're never wrong.” –Nick Naylor. I’m not majoring in communications and I never will as I have other plans in mind, but I’m still able to argue my opinions while being a junior in High School. So if you truly think that you’re superior because of your higher education then go back and counter my previous post instead of using your level of education to save yourself. ^.^ I’m sure you can counter it but I’ll just counter your next post and look good doing it. xP From all your posts so far, even though you’re able to successfully counter my posts (except the one before this one that is as you attempted to use your major in communications to prove yourself superior) you’re making yourself look pretty bad in multiple ways. :P (Continued in second post)
Oct 28, 10 at 6:00am
I think Purastikk might have a point so let me ask you once more to make sure, are you mad? :) If you are then I apologize but you make yourself mad, not others, if not then so be it. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that there’s a contradiction in your post also, you said ”I was hoping someone wouldn't have to resort to witless and feeble-minded internet memes” while you’ve already done so a few post back with “"well excuuuuuuse meeee princess"”. I’m not one to judge what would be “witless and feeble-minded”, but with the age and overuse of that CD-i Zelda meme, I’m pretty sure “u mad bro” is more viable and witty.
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