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Sex while dating?

Haha, I'm new here, so forgive the double post. Accidentally hit the Captcha button and it posted. Sex while dating...Hmmm. I personally wouldn't do it, since I view it as the ultimate expression of love and, unless you are willing to make the committment to stand by and be with someone forever...I personally don't see the point. Plus, you don't have sex impeding your judgment when deciding whether or not to go that extra mile and marry someone. Now, with regards to other people...I believe Free Will is perhaps the greatest gift that God/Gods/The Creator/Whoever you believe in, so that's up to them.
Oct 23, 10 at 12:05pm
Although I wouldn't do it. I think It will be your partner's opinion that matters most. Thats all I'm saying on this subject. By the way, Ikkoku... "Try before you buy"... I think you should keep your quotes to yourself, because I rather find that offensive.
Oct 24, 10 at 11:50am
Well <B>Samatha</B> it's nice that you have an opinion about it. However my <i>"try before you buy"</I> opinion only offended like 2 people in this whole thread (the other being Phanari). I think people are just uptight about it. You are rather young Samantha and once you grow up a bit you'll discover what this all really means to you. I'm sorry if it offended you (not trying to offend people here) but that's how I honestly feel about it. It would be a downer if your bf/gf/lover or whomever you were in love with was pathetic being intimate. Trust me, a lot of people tend to explore outside their relationship(s) because of this. (And no I'm not that kind of person.) Once you become a responsible adult you'll discover this all in time.
Oct 24, 10 at 4:18pm
Come on Ikkoku_san Samantha_chan is what about thirteen. Hell when I was thirteen the only thing on my mind was pokemon, dragonball, and sailormoon. Allow the girl to romanticize while she can, hell her truth concerning sex might even work for her if she's lucky.She's not Phanari-san,and I think it would be unfair to rake her over the coals just for being or believing thusly like the jaded ,world wary ,otaku we are. Run the "try before you buy", theory by her again in ten years and see where she falls. As they say life is the best teacher,I wonder what concept will win in the end logical realism or the wonderful romanticism
Oct 24, 10 at 5:13pm
Ikkoku, you misinterpreted what Samantha meant when she said that she was offended by your quote “Try before you buy”. She’s offended by the wording of the phrase, not the concept. The quote “Try before you buy” you used portrays women as merchandise/objects and marriage as a purchase which places what you ‘tried’ under your ownership. Of course the phrase could be applied to men also but seeing as you’re the person who said it, it’s suggestively directed towards women, that’s how I saw it anyways and Sam probably saw it the same way also. I apologize of any of this offends you but please be more careful with your wording.
Way to go Minh. You said what needed to be said.
Oct 24, 10 at 7:44pm
Ikkou, you misinterpreted on what I meant. Just as Minh had explained to you, I was offended by the way you worded your phrase, not your opinion on sex while dating. Kurokame... Although your intentions were good, I don't romanticize. Including now when I'm on a serious topic. I do know the difference between reality and fantasy, so I'd appreciate it if you don't judge my maturity based on my age. If my thoughts do change when I'm older, I'll let you know. But I'm sure that no matter what my age is, I'll still find women objectification offensive. Thank you Minh for explaining! You understood completely on where I was coming from.
Oct 25, 10 at 10:37pm
"well excuuuuuuse meeee princess". (Now that's suppose to be a joke so clam down.) It wasn't my intention to portray the interaction as an object. That's just what you saw and that was your interpretation. Plus my original opinion/comment wasn't supposed to be taken as a serious remark. The idea yes, but I phrased it jokingly. If I wanted to state it in a serious tone I would have said something like: "It would be nice to see how we both can connect intimately to see how physically/emotionally/philosophically/spiritually/(insert noun + ally) we are". I'm just upset a lot of people here (now I'm not singling anyone out so CLAM DOWN) seem to not be able to "read between the lines". Also, I'm very aware that there are a lot of young people on here and I keep my comments PG-13-ish. Also, <B>Kurokame</b> I'm aware of her age too. However I think your thoughts about what "Thirteen year olds" has on their mind is a bit naive. I'm not picking on you but you should be aware that this site has people from all over the world with different "age of consent". Here's food for thought: did you know the age of consent in Japan is 12? Now before I get flamed and blasted for stating this, I am studying "World Culture and Literature" as a minor and we've discussed this a bit.
Oct 25, 10 at 10:38pm
oops, darn typos.
Oct 25, 10 at 10:39pm
clams are good to eat though. So, don't hate.
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