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Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Deleted User @__removed_2febdcff2cGILeMdar
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Hey everyone~ :D

richannie @richannie
commented on
Hey everyone~ :D
richannie @richannie
Haha, why do everyone call me 'Jasmine'? xDD
@I'm a gamer
Thanks.^^ I also don't like Sailor Moon Crystal so much. :/ I prefer the old series. I'm also in a 'Sailor Moon Cosplay Showgroup' and I'm a quite happy that we don't make a stage play to Sailor Moon Crystal. :D
Haha, in the Anime Georgie went back to Australia and in the Manga she also end up with Arthur. :)
I love the oldschool Anime like Lady Oscar, Cat's Eye, Heidi, Hanni und Nanni and a lot of others. <3
Hey everyone~ :D

richannie @richannie
commented on
Hey everyone~ :D
richannie @richannie
Hey~ :D
I'm fine, thanks. I'm only a little bit tired because it's already 11pm a my place. :D And you? ^^