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quatrewinner @quatrewinner
quatrewinner @quatrewinner
If anyone is looking for a new anime to start watching check this out!
Its still ongoing but I'm really happy to see that it getting animated, because the Manga is great!

Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
left a comment for
Tri Tri <3 @tritri23
Hazzah! Hmmm not online I see. Well thank for the add and sorry for late reply.

quatrewinner @quatrewinner
quatrewinner @quatrewinner
If you havent seen Drifters you all need to check it out. It really reminds me of ninja scroll.
Art & Doodles

quatrewinner @quatrewinner
commented on
Art & Doodles
quatrewinner @quatrewinner
That's awesome! keep the great work up!