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Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
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Squirrel_in_my_coffee @squirrel_in_my_coffee
Hey, how are you doing? =) My days have been busy lately but I've been good. ^^

konekani @konekani
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konekani @konekani
yea i usally dont hand out my number unless i get to kno one self better nothin personal :3

konekani @konekani
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konekani @konekani
i live in college station i dont kno wat part that is i kno it houston is 2 hr south from cs i think??? and u??
The Disappearance Of Haruhi Suzumiya Movie

Jecht @jecht
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The Disappearance Of Haruhi Suzumiya Movie
Jecht @jecht
I know haruhi was huge when it 1st came out but i thought the 2nd season didnt do so well (maybe its because its the same day over and over) but i want to know if its going to be one of those 1 hour Tv movies or something bigger like a real "hey lets go to the theater" movies.
Code Geass R3

Jecht @jecht
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Code Geass R3
Jecht @jecht
i got the info from Anime Pulse forums
After that i started to do some research and all i could find it that list and ALOT of fake stuff. But with this new list of titles im more sure they are going to make another CG, and the fact that the show made ALOT of money and in todays market they cant skip that.