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baddy @baddy
baddy @baddy
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baddy @baddy
baddy @baddy
I watch Marc Brunett a lot and have in fact already watched that. :p
It's good, but I still lack an understanding for creating interesting hair cuts.

yuuzora @yuuzora
yuuzora @yuuzora
I'm not sure what you've watched, but
Has a decent tutorial. So far you look like you're understanding it pretty well. On the more centered picture it might be better to erase the lines a little from the middle and bangs section so it looks all connected. That second one looks good.

baddy @baddy
baddy @baddy

omorrow I hit 3 months since I picked up drawing.
Mid of May I decided I want to draw more traditionally as well and got my first sketch book.
Today I filled its last page. :^)

blue_angel @blue_angel That's good brosky! Do what u love
Post ur art my dudes.

baddy @baddy
commented on
Post ur art my dudes.
baddy @baddy

And some stuff that could be considered a little bit more finished
Post ur art my dudes.

baddy @baddy
commented on
Post ur art my dudes.
baddy @baddy

Some poses: