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37 year old Male
Last online 9年以上 ago
liverpool, United Kingdom
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yeah i wouldnt like too touristy/overcrowded places that much either, especially in that kind of heat haha. the mountains sounds like it would be super nice though, i've been to france, belgium and england on a highschool trip last year. mainly to areas where canadians were involved in some wars like some normandy beaches and gravesites. it was pretty nice, we went during the perfect week of higher temperature spring and didnt get any rain. i liked normandy and paris the most, super pretty i want to go again haha. canada can be pretty nice but since its so big it's hard to see everything. my personal favourite province is nova scotia, i was born there and it's a lot of sandy beaches. the entire province smells like a beach too haha, it's nice especially in summer.
wah thats pretty cool all the exposure. how was hong kong? monasteries i've heard are super amazing, i'd imagine the ones there would be pretty breath taking. and damn yeah not many people get to even see everest in their life, i completely forgot thats in tibet. surprisingly thats a pretty good benefit for a supermarket manager.
ive never had the opportunity to learn anything about chinese history but i'd imagine Tibet would be a culturally interesting place, definitely spiritual. 13 days would be plenty of time for you to absorb it all i'd imagine, anything in particular you're looking forward to see or do? sounds like a good job you got now!
Johto for me it feels like I actually spent a few years of my childhood traveling around it
For me it was the first introduction to anime in any shape or form when I was about 9 with pokemon teaching me not to be afraid to chase your dreams even if you fail which ash did.... many times
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Jul 25-26