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anipak22 @anipak22
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anipak22 @anipak22
You got any vacations planned?

Lonewolfsinger @lonewolfsinger
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Lonewolfsinger @lonewolfsinger
Hmm. Welcome first of all. Hope you can have a bit of fun and meet a few good folk. I was raised with old proper manners, which i get insulted for nowadays (shakes head). I'm from Texas myself. Megurine-San got my definite attention. My personal dream vocaloid. (grin). What else that won't sound to stupid. We seem to share similar ideas. I guess i will leave it at, I hope you enjoyed #AX2011 it was a blast and maybe I'll catch you later.

anipak22 @anipak22
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anipak22 @anipak22
I don't have any plans, but fall semester doesn't start til the end of august so... Who knows