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Seraph01 @seraph01
Seraph01 @seraph01

Seraph01 @seraph01
Seraph01 @seraph01
who stands for VIC MIGNOGNA?

Hiro? @hirokumiko
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Hiro? @hirokumiko
Thanks for the friend request! v(*^v^)ノ
Vic mignongna fired from funimation :(

Seraph01 @seraph01
commented on
Vic mignongna fired from funimation :(
Seraph01 @seraph01
Yeah but a jobs more then just making money. Its something that brings fulfillment in using your talents. He was at a con recently and had a open panel kind of explaining the whole thing and his voice was cracking on the brink of crying. You could tell this was his life and he enjoyed it.
Vic mignongna fired from funimation :(

Seraph01 @seraph01
commented on
Vic mignongna fired from funimation :(
Seraph01 @seraph01
ill always rember him as edward from full metal