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someonenearyou @someonenearyou
someonenearyou @someonenearyou
Same, even if you can't forcefully make yourself fall for someone, at least you get a friend out of them
What are you on Mo for?

neeto @neet_one
commented on
What are you on Mo for?
neeto @neet_one
A long shot and borderline desperate attempt to meet someone like minded I guess, that I might be able to form some kind of bond or connection with. Even if it's pretty unlikely in a place like this. I mean I mix with mo about as well as oil and water, but the communities I fit in better with tend to be sausage fests. Besides, it's good to step out of one's comfort zone every now and then I suppose, take some chances, meet the kinds of people you normally wouldn't ect.
I've gotten to know a lot of interesting people here, even met a couple in person. There's certainly some nice folk around here if you give em a chance. Can't complain too much I suppose.

someonenearyou @someonenearyou
someonenearyou @someonenearyou
hi, new to this website, and I want to hang out and make some new friends too. I use discord, go ahead and add me if you like

Coco @yukiasato
Coco @yukiasato
Anyone have servers I can join that's for hanging out? meeting people, and roleplay for fun when bored? I have a server Just message or add me for it, Ill gladly send you their. that's if you want to hang out, get to know myself and others their or just for rp.

robbinca @robbinca id love to get to know you and hangout

Coco @yukiasato Yay I'll send you my server in a bit.
Last one to post here wins

someonenearyou @someonenearyou
commented on
Last one to post here wins
someonenearyou @someonenearyou
I'm doing well friend! how are you?
Last one to post here wins

someonenearyou @someonenearyou
commented on
Last one to post here wins
someonenearyou @someonenearyou
mourning o/