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kimismiles1 @kimismiles1
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kimismiles1 @kimismiles1
Hello :) nice to meet you

Kuudere Fool @blackcoyote28
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Kuudere Fool @blackcoyote28
hello, how are you doing? ^_^
Worst Anime Character EVER

Tydaddy90 @tydaddy09
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Worst Anime Character EVER
Tydaddy90 @tydaddy09
Ooooo and the guy main character on school days cuz he was jus a douche lol
Worst Anime Character EVER

Tydaddy90 @tydaddy09
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Worst Anime Character EVER
Tydaddy90 @tydaddy09
Omg I kno I got a few just can't remember them all right now but my main one forever and always is Kikyō like y won't that bitch just stay dead so inuyasha and kagome can jus be like I stopped watchin it after awhile cuz she made me wanna punch some random person everytime she popped I kno after awhile she wasn't thinkin about him like that foreal anymore I think but still ugh hate that bitch lmao