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fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
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fallenbeautyahri @fallenbeautyaries
thank you very much for sending me your friends request. I would love to get to know you and be a good friend to you. anyway forgive me for being away for so long i eventually had forgotten my username and password Fear not, I figured it out i was not ignoring you. I am very grateful I am friend to you and loyal shall I be, god bless you hope to hear from you soon.

liltakame @liltakame
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liltakame @liltakame
Hello. I hope this message finds you well. ^^

monochromekiss_x @monochromekiss_x
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monochromekiss_x @monochromekiss_x
Hey there, don't be a stranger now
Krarktel @krarktel
Ikasucon 2011
Krarktel @krarktel
Anyone going to be going to ikasucon in 2011?
Oct 29-Nov 1
Jul 16-18
Jul 13-15
Nov 1-4